The Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE) publishes 40+ journals in English. All journals are peer-reviewed and open-access, and readers may access the online version without any limitations. We welcome researchers to submit their manuscripts to us for publication. Please find the journal you are interested in and click “Submission” below to submit your articles.
A - Z
- Applied Physics Research
- Asian Culture and History
- Asian Social Science
- Computer and Information Science
- Earth Science Research
- Energy and Environment Research
- Engineering Management Research
- English Language and Literature Studies
- English Language Teaching
- Environment and Natural Resources Research
- Environment and Pollution
- Global Journal of Health Science
- Higher Education Studies
- International Business Research
- International Education Studies
- International Journal of Biology
- International Journal of Business and Management
- International Journal of Chemistry
- International Journal of Economics and Finance
- International Journal of English Linguistics
- International Journal of Marketing Studies
- International Journal of Psychological Studies
- International Journal of Statistics and Probability
- International Law Research
- Journal of Agricultural Science
- Journal of Education and Learning
- Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
- Journal of Food Research
- Journal of Geography and Geology
- Journal of Management and Sustainability
- Journal of Materials Science Research
- Journal of Mathematics Research
- Journal of Molecular Biology Research
- Journal of Plant Studies
- Journal of Politics and Law
- Journal of Sustainable Development
- Mechanical Engineering Research
- Modern Applied Science
- Network and Communication Technologies
- Public Administration Research
- Review of European Studies
- Sustainable Agriculture Research
Latest Articles
- What Made People Take to the Streets? A Study on the Determinants of Protests in Brazil Based on Google Trends Data IJEF, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2025), p105
- Effects of Gamification on Chinese EFL College Students’ Writing Error Awareness and Writing Performance IJEL, Vol. 15, No. 1 (2025), p76
- Monte Carlo Simulations of the Spin-3/2 Ashkin-Teller Model in the Presence of Two Competing Dynamics JMSR, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2024), p32
- Enhancing Language Learning: Visual Annotations and Collaboration in Junior High ELT, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2025), p56
- Minimum Wage and Effects on Unemployment: The Case of Spain and Its Implications on Simpson’s Paradox and Geographical Mobility IJEF, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2025), p26
- Quantitative and Qualitative Potential of Peanuts Produced in Northwestern Paraná, Brazil JSD, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2025), p48
- The Role of Micro-Influencers in Niche Digital Marketing Strategies in Africa: Impact on Consumer Engagement and Brand Loyalty IJMS, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2025), p1
- Adapting Translation Teaching to Global Demands: A Comprehensive Approach ELT, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2025), p48
- Exploring Chinese Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions and Implementations of Gamification in Online EFL Classrooms ELT, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2025), p35
- Addressing the Challenges of Economic Water Scarcity in Kenya: Multi-Barrier and Multilateral Integrated Approach Systems for Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water A Review JSD, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2025), p29