The Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE) publishes 40+ journals in English. All journals are peer-reviewed and open-access, and readers may access the online version without any limitations. We welcome researchers to submit their manuscripts to us for publication. Please find the journal you are interested in and click “Submission” below to submit your articles.
A - Z
- Applied Physics Research
- Asian Culture and History
- Asian Social Science
- Computer and Information Science
- Earth Science Research
- Energy and Environment Research
- Engineering Management Research
- English Language and Literature Studies
- English Language Teaching
- Environment and Natural Resources Research
- Environment and Pollution
- Global Journal of Health Science
- Higher Education Studies
- International Business Research
- International Education Studies
- International Journal of Biology
- International Journal of Business and Management
- International Journal of Chemistry
- International Journal of Economics and Finance
- International Journal of English Linguistics
- International Journal of Marketing Studies
- International Journal of Psychological Studies
- International Journal of Statistics and Probability
- International Law Research
- Journal of Agricultural Science
- Journal of Education and Learning
- Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
- Journal of Food Research
- Journal of Geography and Geology
- Journal of Management and Sustainability
- Journal of Materials Science Research
- Journal of Mathematics Research
- Journal of Molecular Biology Research
- Journal of Plant Studies
- Journal of Politics and Law
- Journal of Sustainable Development
- Mechanical Engineering Research
- Modern Applied Science
- Network and Communication Technologies
- Public Administration Research
- Review of European Studies
- Sustainable Agriculture Research
Latest Articles
- Women’s Dilemma and Social Reflection in Film Narrative: A Case Study of Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 JPL, Vol. 17, No. 4 (2024), p38
- Performance Shortfall, Top Management Team Faultlines, and R&D Investment: Evidence from China IJBM, Vol. 19, No. 6 (2024), p273
- Does Greenium Exist? A Comparison between Sovereign and Corporate Bonds IJBM, Vol. 19, No. 6 (2024), p251
- Can the Manufacturing Process Be Improved by FMEA? A Study on X Company in Plastic Packaging Industry in Vietnam IJBM, Vol. 19, No. 6 (2024), p241
- Writing Strategies of Chinese Undergraduate English Major Students ELT, Vol. 17, No. 12 (2024), p21
- Neutral Real Interest Rate, Monetary Policy and Business Cycle: Using the Kalman Filter and a Counterfactual Structural Approach for a Large Emerging Market IJEF, Vol. 16, No. 12 (2024), p62
- Spent Time of Orbiting Eletron Generating the Quantized Energy En in the Hydrogen Like Atom APR, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2024), p155
- Spin-based Atomic Periodic Model—Beyond the Periodic Table APR, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2024), p139
- Artificial Intelligence Integration in Teacher Education: Navigating Benefits, Challenges, and Transformative Pedagogy JEL, Vol. 13, No. 6 (2024), p346
- Teachers’ Interaction with Prescribed Teaching Materials: Evaluation, Adaptation and Exploitation ELT, Vol. 17, No. 12 (2024), p13