Current Issue: Vol. 13, No. 1 (2024), Earth Science Research
- Mechanical Microdeformation and Kink–band Formation in Mica from the Colônia Impact Crater, São Paulo, Brazil
- Victor F. Velazquez
- Jose M. Azevedo Sobrinho
- Rodrigo F. Lucena
- Alethea E. M. Sallun
- William Sallun Filho
- p1
- Plagioclase-hosted Crystallized Melt Inclusions within Hypabyssal Volcanic Rocks of the Torud-Ahmad Abad Magmatic Belt, Iran: Analysis of Origin and Fractionation Processes
- Fazilat Yousefi
- David R. Lentz
- Lambrini Papadopoulou
- p13
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
- Lesley LuoEditorial Assistant