Current Issue: Vol. 18, No. 1 (2025), Journal of Sustainable Development
- Implementation of Environmental Education for Waste Management in Japan
- Atsuko Hanashima
- p1
- Exploring Household Preparedness towards Earthquakes along the East African Rift Systems in Tanzania: A Case of the Bukoba Municipality
- Abeli Firimin Abeli
- Robert Benjamin Kiunsi
- Fredrick Mathew Salukele
- p12
- Addressing the Challenges of Economic Water Scarcity in Kenya: Multi-Barrier and Multilateral Integrated Approach Systems for Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water A Review
- Caroline J. Ingati
- John P. O. Obiero
- Duncan O. Mbuge
- T. O. Mbuya
- p29
- Quantitative and Qualitative Potential of Peanuts Produced in Northwestern Paraná, Brazil
- Reni Saath
- Gustavo Lopes Pereira
- Gustavo Soares Wenneck
- Jair Heuert
- Tais de Moraes Falleiro Suassuna
- p48
- Can Sovereign ESG Help Guide Nation-States’ Transformative Change?
- Rebeca Sanchez Enriquez
- Ellen Hillbom
- Andres Palacio
- p56
- A Systematic Review of Floating Photovoltaic Plant Environmental Impacts
- Larissa de Andrade Goncalves
- Larissa Faria
- Michael Mannich
- Marcelo Coelho
- Jucimara Andreza Rigotti
- Tobias Bleninger
- Jean Ricardo Simoes Vitule
- p94
- Disaster Risk Management and Emergency Response Legislations and Strategies Awareness in Tanzania: A Case of Dar Es Salaam City
- Fredrick Salukele
- Nicholaus Mwageni
- Nicholaus L. Mushi
- p110
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Journal Metrics
h-index (2017): 33
i10-index (2017): 81
h5-Index (2017): 18
h5-Media (2017): 25
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