Vol. 11, No. 1 (2019), Journal of Agricultural Science
- Meat Quality of Goats Fed Hay, Sorghum Bagasse and Standard Diets
- Adebamikale Olajide
- Edward Sismour
- Yixiang Xu
- Adnan Yousuf
- p1
- Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP): A Singleplex Genotyping Platform and Its Application
- Uzma Majeed
- Essam Darwish
- Shoaib Ur Rehman
- Xueyong Zhang
- p11
- Using SAR Data to Detect Wheat Irrigation Supply in an Irrigated Semi-arid Area
- Tarik Benabdelouahab
- Dominique Derauw
- Hayat Lionboui
- Rachid Hadria
- Bernard Tychon
- Abdelghani Boudhar
- Riad Balaghi
- Youssef Lebrini
- Hamid Maaroufi
- Christian Barbier
- p21
- Farmers Status, Knowledge & Management Practices on Major Chickpea Insect Pests in Some Selected Zones of Ethiopia
- Tarekegn Fite
- Tadele Tefera
- Mulugeta Negeri
- Mulugeta Negeri
- Hirpa Legesse
- p31
- Effect of Cooling Root-Zone Temperature on Growth, Yield and Nutrient Uptake in Cucumber Grown in Hydroponic System During Summer Season in Cooled Greenhouse
- Muthir S. Al-Rawahy
- Salim A. Al-Rawahy
- Yaseen A. Al-Mulla
- Saleem K. Nadaf
- p47
- Growth and Visual Symptoms of Macro Deficiencies and Micronutrientes in Mallow (Urena lobata) Plants, Variety BR-01
- Ismael de Jesus Matos Viégas
- Jorge Aquiles Fasabi
- Gabriela Mourão de Almeida
- Heráclito Eugênio Oliveira da Conceição
- Diocléa Almeida Seabra Silva
- Jessivaldo Rodrigues Galvão
- Sávia Poliana da Silva
- Cândido Ferreira de Oliveira Neto
- Joze Melisa Nunes de Freitas
- Deila da Silva Magalhães
- p61
- The Transition Ratio of Nosema spp. Spores From Colonies to Honey Versus Honey to Colonies
- Ceren Sarıbıyık
- Aslı Özkırım
- p72
- Genetic Improvement of Grain Quality Promoted by High and New Technology in Rice
- Bo Peng
- Jun Li
- Dong-Yan Kong
- Lu-Lu He
- Meng-Ge Li
- Tondi-Yacouba Nassirou
- Yu Peng
- Xiao-Hua Song
- Juan Peng
- Yue Jiang
- Yan-Fang Sun
- Rui-Hua Pang
- Qing-Qing Xin
- Yu-Chen Liu
- Gui-Ying Guo
- Jin-Tiao Li
- Quan-Xiu Wang
- Shi-Zhi Song
- Bin Duan
- Hong-Yu Yuan
- p81
- Physiological, Histological, and Molecular Analyses of Avocado Mesocarp Fatty Acids During Fruit Development
- Yu Ge
- Xiangshu Dong
- Bin Wu
- Zining Xu
- Zhaoxi Zhou
- Xinge Lin
- Jiasui Wang
- Xiaoping Zang
- Weihong Ma
- p95
- Effects of Different Plastic Mulching Methods on Soil Water, Temperature and Nitrate Accumulation in a Dryland Winter Wheat Field
- Hui-Zhou Gao
- Ying-He Xie
- Ting-Liang Li
- Xiao-Dong Zhao
- Gao Yu
- Li Yue
- Wu-Bin Jia
- p105
- Effect of Boron Supplement on Yield of Wheat Grown in Calcareous Soils of Different Textural Classes under Arid Conditions
- Baydaa H. A. Al-Ameri
- Suad A. Al-Saedi
- Ibrahim B. Razaq
- p112
- Thidiazuron and Ethyl-trinexapac Affect Upland Rice Irrigated by Sprinkler Irrigation
- Fernando de Souza Buzo
- Orivaldo Arf
- Lucas Martins Garé
- Flávia Constantino Meirelles
- Nayara Fernanda Siviero Garcia
- José Roberto Portugal
- Paulo Henrique Pissolito
- Isabela Martins Bueno Gato
- Marco Henrique Malheiros Bassi
- Anderson Teruo Takasu
- p118
- Production of Flowers of Ornamental Sunflower Irrigated With Wastewater From Fish Culture
- Lunara G. da S. Rêgo
- Neyton de O. Miranda
- Kaline D. Travassos
- Nildo da S. Dias
- Rutilene R. da Cunha
- Maria E. da Cunha
- Francisco C. G. Santana
- Poliana M. da C. Bandeira
- Francisco X. de Oliveira Filho
- p130
- Tagetes minuta Propagation and Interaction With Nematoide
- Camila T. Stroze
- Fernando C. Baida
- Maria I. Balbi-Peña
- Cláudia R. Dias-Arieira
- Débora C. Santiago
- p139
- High Risk Fungicides Combined to Low Risk Can Be a New Strategy for Management of Asian Soybean Rust at the Beginning of the Epidemic
- Roberto B. O. Ponce
- Laércio Zambolim
- Antonio A. Fortunato
- Luan F.de Queiroz
- p149
- Chemical of Soils With Histic Horizon of Lakes and Riparian of the Savanna, Northern Amazonia, Brazil
- Ednalva Dantas R. S. Duarte
- Valdinar F. Melo
- Etelvino H. Novotny
- Sandra Cátia P. Uchôa
- Hugo Leonardo S. Farias
- Gustavo Vieira Veloso
- Ronilson José P. Amorim
- Taiane Maíza de Lira Carneiro Matias
- João Victor de Paiva Cabral
- p159
- Phosphorus Doses and Sowing Times Over Agronomic Aspects of Chia
- Débora Fernanda Del Moura Soares
- Tiago Roque Benetoli da Silva
- Rhaízza Lana Pereira Dusheski
- Géssica Daiane da Silva
- Poliana Tomé Gouveia
- Juliana Stracieri
- Nadia Graciele Krohn
- p174
- SSR Based Genetic Diversity Analysis in Diploid Algaroba (Prosopis spp.) Population
- Lívia S. Freitas
- Cláusio A. F. Melo
- Fernanda A. Gaiotto
- Ronan X. Corrêa
- p179
- Trends of Energy and Macronutrients Intakes in Jordan as Obtained by Household Expenditure and Income Surveys
- Refa’at Alkurd
- Hamed R. Takruri
- Amira M. Amr
- p191
- Initial Development of Safflower Submitted to Irrigation Water Salinity Levels
- William Fenner
- Edna Maria Bonfim-Silva
- Tonny José Araújo da Silva
- Túlio Santos Martinez
- Thiago Henrique Ferreira Matos Castañon
- Luana Gláup Araújo Dourado
- p200
- Establishing Irrigation Levels Targeting Higher Content of Lycopene and Water Use Efficiency in Tomato
- Fábio T. Delazari
- Ronaldo S. Gomes
- Bruno S. Laurindo
- Renata D. F. Laurindo
- Luan B. Giovanelli
- Davi S. de Freitas
- Everardo C. Mantovani
- Derly J. H. da Silva
- p209
- Determination of Microbiological Quality and Chlorophyll Levels Lettuce Grown Hydroponically With Wastewater
- J. de F. Xavier
- C. A. V. de Azevedo
- M. R. de Q. A. Azevedo
- V. L. A. Lima
- J. Dantas Neto
- S. A. dos Santos
- p220
- Germination of Forage Seeds Through Cattle as a Natural Propagator
- Erico da Silva Lima
- Suzana Cristina Quintanilha
- Bruno Borges Deminicis
- Vanessa Aparecida Feijó de Souza
- Tiago Neves Pereira Valente
- Andrea Roberto Bueno Ribeiro
- Vitória Gallo Borges de Lima
- Agatha Nara Pirondi
- Adriano Adelson Costa
- p231
- Pomegranate Micropropagation, Callogenesis and Genetic Integrity Assessment Using Simple Sequence Repeat Markers
- Tebogo Stimela
- Remmy W. Kasili
- Edward G. Mamati
- p237
- Production Potential and Quality of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. Seed Cultivated in Different Seeding Seasons
- D. B. Rodrigues
- L. V. M. Tunes
- F. A. Villela
- G. I. Gadotti
- C. J. Costa
- T. D. Rosa
- D. Medeiros
- J. A. Gularte
- E. Gewehr
- A. S. Almeida
- C. Nunes
- p251
- Phosphate Fertilization Reduces the Severity of Asian Soybean Rust Under High Disease Pressure
- Ana Claudia R. Mochko
- Laércio Zambolim
- Douglas F. Parreira
- p261
- Anthropic Impacts on Microbiota and Chemical Properties of Cerrado Soil Through Soybean Cultivation
- J. Henrique
- J. M. R. da Luz
- J. J. Carvalho
- J. G. D. Silva
- J. E. C. Silva
- E. A. dos Santos
- p274
- Selection of Morphoagronomic Descriptors in Physalis angulata L. Using Multivariate Techniques
- Hortência Kardec da Silva
- Adriana Rodrigues Passos
- Alessandra Selbach Schnadelbach
- Ricardo Franco Cunha Moreira
- Antonio Leandro da Silva Conceição
- André Pinto Lima
- p289
- Physical, Chemical-Physical Characterization and Determination of Bioactives Compounds of the Pimtobeira Fruits (Talisia esculenta)
- Artur X. M. de Queiroga
- Franciscleudo B. da Costa
- Mahyara de M. Santiago
- Francimalda F. de Sousa
- Kalinne P. dos Santos
- Jéssica L. da Silva
- Albert E. M. de M. Teodosio
- Giuliana N. B. Sales
- Kátia G. da Silva
- Raimundo B. Filho
- p303
- Coating Guava Postharvest With the Use of Starch of Tamarind Seed and Pomegranate Seed Oil
- Elny A. Onias
- Railene H. C. R. Araújo
- Thais B. de Queiroga
- Albert E. M. de M. Teodosio
- Eliane A. Onias
- Ana P. N. Ferreira
- Marília H. B. S. Rodrigues
- Adriana da S. Santos
- Ágda M. F. de Oliveira
- Maria L. da S. Medeiros
- p313
- Changes in Root Architecture After Amino Acid Application in a Soybean Crop
- Walquíria F. Teixeira
- Evandro B. Fagan
- Luís H. Soares
- Ellen M. A. Cabral
- Durval Dourado-Neto
- p325
- Productivity of Lettuce Under Organic Fertilization
- José Júnior A. Sarmento
- Caciana C. Costa
- Maila V. Dantas
- Kilson P. Lopes
- Ivando C. de Macedo
- Silva Marinês P. Bomfim
- José Wilson da S. Barbosa
- p335
- Sizing and Economic Feasibility of Different Types of Solar Collectors for a Milk Producing Property in the Tropic
- Eloiny G. Barbosa
- Marcos E. V. Araujo
- Elisa G. Barbosa
- Maria J. Moraes
- Javier H. F. Heredia
- Felipe A. Gomes
- Rodrigo S. L. Araujo
- p344
- Does the Nitrogen Rates, Methods and Times of Application Influences the Corn Nutrition and Yield?
- Jéssica Vettorazzi
- Marcelo C. M. Teixeira Filho
- Fernando S. Galindo
- Elisângela Dupas
- Élcio H. Yano
- Salatiér Buzetti
- p350
- Effect of Millet Growth, N Sources and Previous Phosphorus Availability on the Efficiency of P Sources
- Lucas de Ávila Silva
- Edson Marcio Mattiello
- Wedisson Oliveira Santos
- Reinaldo Bertola Cantarutti
- Ivo Ribeiro da Silva
- p360
- Slurry Composition and Physiological Quality of Treated Soybean Seeds Over Storage
- Andréia K. Suzukawa
- Giovanna E. G. Mariucci
- Lucas C. Pereira
- Alessandro L. Braccini
- Raissa M. Ponce
- Danilo C. V. Marteli
- Luiz H. S. Lima
- Priscila Angelotti
- Vanessa F. V. Silva
- p376
- Alelopatic Effects of Tectona grandis L.F. in the Germination and Initial Development of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
- Márcia Cunegundes da Silva
- Emmanoella Costa Guaraná Araujo
- Thiago Cardoso Silva
- Adão Batista de Araújo
- Tarcila Rosa da Silva Lins
- Shyrlaine Lilian Moura Leão
- Tarcísio Viana de Lima
- p382
- Phytoregulators and Explant Size in the in vitro Culture of Malva sylvestris
- Leyza Paloschi de Oliveira
- Cassio Geremia Freire
- Simone Silmara Werner
- Mari Inês Carissimi Boff
- Pedro Boff
- p388
- Analysis of the Impact of Land Use and Occupation on the Biophysical Variables of the Cerrado Biome in Southwest Goiano, Brazil
- Victor H. Moraes
- Pedro R. Giongo
- Marcio Mesquita
- Thomas J. Cavalcante
- Matheus V. A. Ventura
- Estevam M. Costa
- Bruno H. T. Arantes
- p399
- Chitin Biosynthesis Inhibitors in Euschistus heros Fabr. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): Morphometric Alterations in Testes and Nuclei of Testicular Accessory Cells of Adults
- Paulo Sérgio Gimenez Cremonez
- Samuel Pagnoncelli Gouvea
- Daniela Oliveira Pinheiro
- Ângela Maria Ferreira Falleiros
- Sheila Michele Levy
- Ana Maria Meneghin
- Inês Cristina de Batista Fonseca
- Pedro Manuel Oliveira Janeiro Neves
- p410
- Short-Term Effects of Maize Rhizosphere and N-Fertilization on Stable Organic Matter in a Tropical Soil
- Rafael da Silva Teixeira
- Rafael Silva Santos
- Rodrigo Nogueira de Sousa
- Ivan Francisco de Souza
- Thalles Guimarães Reis
- João José de Miranda Milagres
- Ivo Ribeiro da Silva
- p418
- Nitrogen Fertilization and Rhizobacteria in the Control of Meloidogyne javanica in Common Bean Plants
- Bruna Hanielle Carneiro dos Santos
- Regina Cássia Ferreira Ribeiro
- Adelica Aparecida Xavier
- José Augusto Santos Neto
- Edson Hiydu Mizobutsi
- p430
- Seeds of Calotropis procera Treated With Essential Oils of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. and Syzygium aromaticum L.
- Ronimeire T. da Silva
- Maria de F. Q. Lopes
- Miguel A. Barbosa Neto
- Otília R. de Fárias
- Luciana C. do Nascimento
- Riselane de L. A. Bruno
- p438
- Physiological Quality of Common Bean Seeds Subjected to Different Concentrations of Salicylic Acid
- Tiéle Stuker Fernandes
- Ubirajara Russi Nunes
- Rodrigo Roso
- Eduardo José Ludwig
- Priscila Barbieri Zini
- Janine Farias Menegaes
- Geovana Facco Barbieri
- Cassiano Vasconcelos dos Santos
- p448
- Nitrogen Metabolism and Antioxidant System in Young Plants of Parkia pendula Submitted to Drought
- Oliveira B. Tamires
- Karollyne R. S. Silva
- Dielle T. F. Teixeira
- Milena P. Moraes
- Glauco A. S. Nogueira
- Ataíde L. S. Wander
- Bruno M. Maltarolo
- Ellen G. S. Lima
- Nascimento R. Vitor
- Oliveira Neto F. Cândido
- p459
- Zinc Fertilizers and Additives for Foliar Fertilization of Cocoa Seedlings
- José Olimpio de Souza Júnior
- Felipe Gomes Frederico da Silveira
- Railton Oliveira dos Santos
- Júlio César Lima Neves
- p471
- Effect of Soil Temperature in the Emergence of Maize Seeds
- Heloisa O. dos Santos
- Renato C. C. Vasconcellos
- Beatriz de Pauli
- Raquel M. O. Pires
- Elise M. Pereira
- Giovani V. Tirelli
- Édila V. R. V. Pinho
- p479
- Phosphorus Fractions and Their Transformations in Entisol
- Alessandra Mayumi Tokura Alovisi
- Alves Alexandre Alovisi
- Ademar Pereira Serra
- Luciene Kazue Tokura
- Livia Maria Chamma Davide
- Elaine Reis Pinheiro Lourente
- Robervaldo Soares da Silva
- Willian Isáo Tokura
- Daiana Alovisi de Souza
- Gilson Domingos do Mar
- p485
- Efficacy of Insecticides Against Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797)
- Fabrício O. Fernandes
- Jéssica A. Abreu
- Lucas M. Christ
- Ana Paula S. A. Rosa
- p494
- Plant Growth, Antioxidative Enzymes and Lipid Peroxidation in Sunflower Seedlings Supplemented With Eichhornia crassipes Organic Fertilizer Under Drought Stress Conditions
- Rifandreo Monteiro Barbosa
- Paulo Ovídio Batista de Brito
- Francisca Raíssa da Silva Costa
- Roberto Albuquerque Pontes Filho
- Francisco Holanda Nunes Júnior
- Franklin Aragão Gondim
- p504
- Growth and Productivity of Sugarcane Cultivated in Soils Submitted to Chiseling in the Planting Row and in Total Area
- Nilvan Carvalho Melo
- Carolina Fernandes
- Edimar Rodrigues Soares
- Edson Luiz Mendes Coutinho
- p515
- Structural and Chemical Attributes of Soil Inorganic Fractions for Environmental Characterization in the Brazilian Semiarid Region
- Thais Cristina de Souza Lopes
- Jeane Cruz Portela
- Stefeson Bezerra de Melo
- Thamirys Duarte Ávila
- Francisco Wellington Andrade da Silva
- Joseane Dunga da Costa
- Aldi Nestor de Souza Júnior
- p527
- Effect of Vinasse in the Suppressiveness to Pratylenchus brachyurus in Soybean
- Maria Lúcia Tiburtino Leite
- Fernandes Antonio de Almeida
- Wéverson Lima Fonseca
- Augusto Matias de Oliveira
- Jeissica Taline Prochnow
- Francisco Fernandes Pereira
- Francisco de Alcântara Neto
- p538
- Selectivity of Insecticides Against Adult Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on Cassava
- Elidiane Feltrin-Campos
- Rudiney Ringenberg
- Geraldo Andrade Carvalho
- Daniele Fabiana Glaeser
- Harley Nonato de Oliveira
- p546
- Storage of Soybean Seeds and Addition of Insecticide and Micronutrients
- Gustavo H. Demari
- Vinícius J. Szareski
- Ivan R. Carvalho
- Tuane A. da Silva
- Vânia M. Gehling
- Danielli Olsen
- Tamires S. Martins
- Francine Lautenchleger
- Lucian A. dos Santos
- Luis O. B. Schuch
- Geri E. Meneghello
- Velci Q. de Souza
- Tiago Pedó
- Francisco A. Vilella
- Tiago Z. Aumonde
- p553
- Physiological Growth Attributes, Productivity, Chemical Quality of the Fruits of Physalis peruviana Under a Foliar Mineral Supplementation
- Tiago Pedó
- Ivan R. Carvalho
- Vinícius J. Szareski
- Cristian Troyjack
- João R. Pimentel
- Ruddy A. V. Escalera
- Francielen L. da Silva
- Márcio Peter
- Tiago Z. Aumonde
- Leandro da C. Oliveira
- Francisco A. Villela
- Leonardo Nora
- Carlos R. Mauch
- p561
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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- h-index: 67
- i10-index: 839
- WJCI (2022): 1.220
- WJCI Impact Factor: 0.263
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