Phosphorus Doses and Sowing Times Over Agronomic Aspects of Chia

  •  Débora Fernanda Del Moura Soares    
  •  Tiago Roque Benetoli da Silva    
  •  Rhaízza Lana Pereira Dusheski    
  •  Géssica Daiane da Silva    
  •  Poliana Tomé Gouveia    
  •  Juliana Stracieri    
  •  Nadia Graciele Krohn    


Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is an herbaceous annual plant considered a natural source of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, fiber, protein and antioxidants. However, the cultivation in Brazil is still recent and existing technical information and recommendations are limited, especially regarding to fertilization and sowing season. The present work had as objective to evaluate the effect doses application of phosphorus and sowing times over productive and reproductive parameters. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions at Fazenda da Universidade Estadual de Maringa, Campus Umuarama. The soil used for the experiment is a typical Distrofic Red Latosoil, with sandy texture. The experimental design was entirely in factorial scheme 4 × 4 with three replications. Treatments were composed of four seeding seasons, at intervals of 15 days between one and another with four doses of P2O5 applied at seeding (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1, totalizing 48 plots units. It was evaluated the following parameters dry mass of root and shoot, grain yield, mass of 1,000 grains and oil content. There were no significant results both for phosphorus doses as for interaction in any of the variables evaluated. The treatment seeding times (E) differed statistically only for grain yield.

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