Vol. 10, No. 7 (2018), Journal of Agricultural Science
- Environmental and Genetic Variation in Essential Mineral Nutrients and Nutritional Value Among Brassica Vegetables
- Moo Jung Kim
- Tyler Simpson
- Yu-Chun Chiu
- Talon Becker
- John Juvik
- Kang-Mo Ku
- p1
- Integrating Unmanned Aerial Systems Into the Crop Production System Through On-Farm Research
- Kevin Adkins
- Christen Bailey
- Aspen Taylor
- p10
- The Effects of Different Feeding Rates on Growth Performance and Stomach Volume in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- H. A. Karabulut
- B. Senoglu
- I. Z. Kurtoglu
- p19
- Prioritising the Replanting Schedule of Seedling Tea Fields on Tea Estates for Drought Susceptibility Measured by the SWAPDT Method in the Absence of Historical In-filling Records
- Christopher Nyarukowa
- Robert Koech
- Theodor Loots
- Jos Hageman
- Zeno Apostolides
- p26
- Effects of Pterostilbene on the Activation of Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-Related Factor 2 Pathway During in vitro Maturation of Mouse Oocytes
- Obaid Ullah
- Li Zhongshu
- Ihsan Ali
- Lijie Xu
- Haixing Liu
- Nanzhu Fang
- p35
- Physical Quality of an Oxisol in Different Agricultural Systems in Brazilian Cerrado
- Diego Pereira
- Rafael Montanari
- Christtiane Oliveira
- Jean Ramos
- Alan Panosso
- Zigomar Souza
- Antonio González
- p46
- Optimizing Irrigation Depth Using a Plant Growth Model and Weather Forecast
- Hassan Abd El Baki
- Haruyuki Fujimaki
- Ieyasu Tokumoto
- Tadaomi Saito
- p55
- Early Seedling Growth as a Tool to Assess the Tolerance of Urochloa brizantha Cultivars to Free Aluminium
- Cláudia Tome Yamamoto
- Mariana Gasparim
- Nelson Machado-Neto
- Ceci Custodio
- p67
- Biological Fertilization as an Attenuation of Salinity Water on Beetroot (Beta vulgaris)
- Ednardo de Sousa
- Toshik da Silva
- Thiago Dias
- Danrley Ribeiro
- Álvaro Gonçalves Neto
- Leonardo de Sousa
- Anderson Gonçalves
- Joana de Moura
- José de Melo Filho
- p85
- The Application of Molecular Markers to Accelerate the Recovery of Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Male Sterility in South African Onion (Allium cepa L.) Hybrid Parental Lines
- Inge Gazendam
- Maria M. Greyling
- Sunette M. Laurie
- p95
- Morphometric Relationships as Indicative of Silvicultural Interventions for Brazilian Pine in Southern Brazil
- André Hess
- Táscilla Loiola
- Myrcia Minatti
- Gabriel Rosa
- Isadora Souza
- Emanuel Costa
- Luis Schorr
- Geedre Borsoi
- Thiago Stepka
- p110
- GGR (Geranylgeranyl Reductase) Expression Affects the Allelopathic Response to Arabidopsis Allelochemicals
- Debora Silva
- Juliane Toledo
- Flaviani Pierdoná
- Gabriel Alves
- Michelle de André
- Natalia Pires
- Thaís Cipriano
- Fernando Torres
- Conceição Silveira
- Francisco Aragão
- Luiz Pereira
- p122
- Smallholder Farmers’ Knowledge, Perception and Management of Rice Blast Disease in Upland Rice Production in Tanzania
- Ibrahim Hashim
- Delphina Mamiro
- Robert Mabagala
- Tadele Tefera
- p137
- Obtaining and Evaluating New Hybrids of Papaya Tree
- Adriel Nascimento
- Alan Nascimento
- Karina Santos
- Renan Malikouski
- Omar Schmildt
- Rodrigo Alexandre
- Márcio Czepak
- Laercio Cattaneo
- Geraldo Ferreguetti
- José Amaral
- Edilson Schmildt
- p146
- The Arrangement of Endosperm Cells and Development of Starch Granules Are Associated With the Occurrence of Grain Chalkiness in Japonica Varieties
- Bo Peng
- Dong-Yan Kong
- Tondi-Yacouba Nassirou
- Yu Peng
- Lu-Lu He
- Yan-Fang Sun
- Rui-Hua Pang
- Xiao-Hua Song
- Juan Peng
- Hui-Long Li
- Gui-Ying Guo
- Jin-Tiao Li
- Lin Liu
- Shi-Zhi Song
- Qi-Ying Zhou
- Bin Duan
- Hong-Yu Yuan
- p156
- Ichneumonids (Hymenoptera) and Tachinid Flies (Diptera) Associated to Leptidopterans in Soybean Crops
- Angélica Massarolli
- Ana Regina Lucena Hoffmann
- Bruna Magda Favetti
- Alessandra Regina Butnariu
- p167
- Productivity, Technological Attributes and Water Use Efficiency of Sugarcane Cultivars Under Regulated Deficit Irrigation
- Anderson Coelho
- Alexandre Dalri
- Estêvão Landell
- João Fischer Filho
- Luís Libardi
- João Bettiol
- Rogério Faria
- Luiz Palaretti
- p174
- Physico-chemical Parameters of Honey From Melipona mondury Smith, 1863 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)
- Rogério Alves
- Jacqueline Viana
- Henrique de Sousa
- Ana Waldschmidt
- p196
- Compaction and Physical Attributes of the Soil After the Development of Cover Plants
- Romário Gomes
- Anderson Bergamin
- Laércio Silva
- Milton Campos
- Vínicius Filla
- Mailson Nascimento
- Edicarlos Souza
- Jose Cunha
- Reginaldo de Oliveira
- Ivanildo Oliveira
- p206
- Boron Sources and Levels on the Nutrition and Production of Common Bean Intercropped With Castor
- Mateus Lima
- Gisele Silva
- Isneider Luiz Silva
- Cristiane Fernandes Lisboa
- Deyner Damas Aguiar Silva
- Edgar França
- Itamar Teixeira
- Adilson Pelá
- p218
- Sublethal Effects of Atropa belladonna Herbal Extract on Biological Performance of the Two-Spotted Spider Mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)
- Ayad Alsendi
- Mohammadreza Havasi
- Niloufar Sangak Sani Bozhgani
- p230
- Mineralogy and Maximum Phosphorus Adsorption Capacity in Soybean Development
- Reginaldo Oliveira
- Laércio Silva
- Naiara Souza
- Marizane Pietroski
- Gustavo Caione
- Getulio de Júnior
- Guilherme Ferbonink
- Romário Gomes
- José Júnior
- Gustavo Santos
- Milton Campos
- p242
- Management of Meloidogyne javanica in Okra Using Compost of Pequi Fruit Waste
- Fabiola de Silva
- Regina Cássia Ribeiro
- Adelica Aparecida Xavier
- José Augusto Santos Neto
- Claudia Maria da Silva
- Edson Mizobutsi
- p258
- Macronutrients Use Efficiency and Phosphorus Exportation by Melon Plants in Response to Fertilization
- José Pinheiro
- Adriana Artur
- Carlos Taniguchi
- Jaciane Souza
- William Natale
- Ricardo Santos
- Esraelda Araújo
- Thais Martins
- p266
- Micropropagation and Establishment of Humulus lupulus L. Plantlets Under Field Conditions at Southern Brazil
- M. Machado
- Erik Gomes
- Felipe Francisco
- André Bernert
- João Bespalhok Filho
- Cícero Deschamps
- p275
- Automatic Section Control Technologies and GPS Auto-guidance Systems Adoption in Cotton Production
- Brittani Edge
- Margarita Velandia
- Christopher Boyer
- James Larson
- Dayton Lambert
- Roland Roberts
- Bradley Wilson
- Michael Buschermohle
- Burton English
- Roderick Rejesus
- Larry Falconer
- p282
- Phosphorus and Zinc Extractable and Total in Substrate Enriched Coconut Powder and Tomato Cultivation
- David dos Anjos
- Antonio Maia Neto
- Gabrielen Dias
- Fernando Hernandez
- Rebecca Tirado-Corbala
- p295
- Economic Viability of Photovoltaic Systems in a Rural Community in Brazil
- Roberto Carli
- Reginaldo Santos
- Jair Siqueira
- Carlos Eduardo Nogueira
- Emmanuelle Zago
- Luciene Tokura
- p303
- Mineral Composition of Lettuce Grown in Hydroponic System With Wastewater
- Josilda de Xavier
- Carlos Alberto Vieira de Azevedo
- Marcia Rejane de Q. A. Azevedo
- José Emídio de Albuquerque Junior
- João Paulo de Oliveira Simões
- p317
- Morphometric Characterization and Seed Dormancy Overcoming of Sapindus saponaria L.
- Maria Neves
- João Araújo Neto
- Vilma Ferreira
- Clissia Silva
- João Melo Júnior
- Luan Melo
- Aristeia Farias
- Elaine Galvão
- Vinicius Silva
- p329
- Economic Viability and Profitability of Lettuce in Hydroponic System Using Different Effluents
- Josilda de Xavier
- Carlos Alberto Vieira de Azevedo
- Marcia Rejane de Q. A. Azevedo
- Antônio Fernandes Monteiro Filho
- Carisa Rocha da Silva
- p342
- Yield of Brachiaria in Function of Natural Phosphate Application and Liming in Pará Northeast
- Vanessa Araujo
- Katia C. Rodrigues
- Jessivaldo Galvão
- Tiago K. Yakuwa
- Vicente F. A. Silva
- Deivison Silva
- Leonardo Araujo
- Francisco J. Souza
- Joel Souza
- p352
- Biofertigation of Forage With Effluents From a Cattle Slaughterhouse Green Line: Impacts on Physical-Chemical Indicators of Soil Quality and on Production Biomass
- Joaquim Carvalho
- José Maria Luz
- Jaqueline Henrique
- José Geraldo Silva
- Raphael Bragança Fernandes
- S. Ribeiro
- José Expedito Silva
- p359
- Efficacy of Irradiated Glyphosate Against Brachiaria plantaginea L.
- Andre R. Machi
- Luiz S. Ferrari
- Valter Arthur
- p383
- Gender Effect on Adoption of Selected Improved Rice Technologies in Ghana
- Monica Addison
- Kwasi Ohene-Yankyera
- Robert Aidoo
- p390
- Nitrogen Fertilization in Two Varieties of Basil
- Rafael Yassue
- Diandra Achre
- Marcelo Pastório
- Sílvio Ferreira
- Carlos Dettmer
- Márcia Echer
- p403
- Evaluation of a Retrieved Pyrolithic Reactor to Be Used in Small Farms
- Helder Carozzi
- Carlos Nogueira
- Thaís Gazola
- Francielle Schneider
- Jair Siqueira
- Diogo Giomo
- p409
- Anthropic Processes and Land-Use Change During 33 Years in Roraima, Northern Amazonia
- Marcelle Urquiza
- Valdinar Melo
- Márcio Francelino
- Carlos Schaefer
- Eliana Souza
- Reinaldo Barbosa
- Marcelo Santiago
- Thiago Araújo
- Soniclay Maia
- p426
- Plant Growth, Antioxidative Enzymes, Lipid Peroxidation and Organic Solute Contents in Mulungu Seedlings (Erythrina velutina) Under Different Field Capacities
- Kaio Martins
- Paulo de Brito
- Julyanne de Arruda
- Francisco Nunes Júnior
- Roberto Pontes Filho
- Franklin Gondim
- p443
- Silicon Potential as Attenuator of Salinity Effects on Growth and Post-harvest Quality of Lettuce
- Hozano Lemos Neto
- Marcelo Guimarães
- Rosilene Mesquita
- Italo Gomes Sampaio
- Ana Régia Hendges
- Alexandre de Oliveira
- p455
- Monitoring of Physical Parameters in Organic Waste Composting
- Ana Ferreira
- Nildo Dias
- Daianni Ferreira
- Francisco Junior
- Moadir Leite
- Vânia Porto
- Cleyton Fernandes
- Bruno Souza
- Jucirema Silva
- Luciara Andrade
- p464
- Performance of Hybrid Chickens as Influenced by Phytogenic Extracted Meal-Supplemented Diet as Antibiotic Alternatives During Summer
- Hayam M. A. El-Maaty
- A. Y. El-Khateeb
- Asmaa Sh. El-Naggar
- Sara Kh. Sherif
- E. A. El-Said
- p471
- Physiological and Immunological Effects of Rosemary Essential Oil in Growing Rabbit Diets
- M. R. El-Gogary
- E. A. El-Said
- A. M. Mansour
- p485
- Influence of Type of Birth and Sex on Weaning Weight of Dorper Crossbred Lambs
- Geraldo Dos Santos Tupinambá
- Tiago Valente
- Jeferson Corrêa Ribeiro
- Wallacy Barbacena Rosa dos Santos
- Andréia Santos Cezário
- Erico da Silva Lima
- Bruno Borges Deminicis
- Aline Sousa Camargos
- p492
- Initial Growth of Amburana cearensis in Decomposed Buriti Stem Substrate and Nitrogen Doses
- Augusto Oliveira
- Wéverson Fonseca
- Tiago Sousa
- Hingrid Teixeira
- Fernandes Almeida
- Alan Zuffo
- Norberto Oliveira Neto
- Leandro Guerra
- Râmison Santos
- Adaniel Santos
- p497
- Synergistic Effect of Phosphine and Carbon Dioxide on the Mortality of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in Paddy
- R. Meenatchi
- R. P. S. J. Alice
- P. P. Paulin
- p503
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Journal Metrics
- h-index: 67
- i10-index: 839
- WJCI (2022): 1.220
- WJCI Impact Factor: 0.263
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