Invasive Lantana camara L. Shrub in Ethiopia: Ecology, Threat, and Suggested Management Strategies

  •  Firew Bekele Abebe    


Lantana camara L. is one of the worst invasive alien species that are categorized worldwide. The objective of this review paper was to review the dispersal and threats posed by Lantana camara L. in Ethiopia and based on review results, to suggest management strategies that can bring solutions to the threats posed by the weed. Both biological characteristics of Lantana camara L. and its dispersal agents have contributed to the success of its dispersal. Even though Lantana camara L. is dispersed in other places within Ethiopia, Debrezeit, Dire Dawa, Harar and Somali are the hotspot areas for the weed. Biodiversity and potential agricultural loss, human and animal health problems and infestation in national parks are the identified threats that Lantana camara L. posed within the country. Utilization of Lantana camara L. for various purposes, prevention of its further dispersal into non-infected areas, use of fire, mechanical and biological control and awareness creation are the suggested management strategies that can bring solutions to the threats posed by the weed within the country.

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