Vol. 6, No. 3 (2017), International Journal of Statistics and Probability
- Estimation of Multivariate Smooth Functions via Convex Programs
- Eunji Lim
- Fanny Gonzalez
- p1
- Convergence of the Nelson-Aalen Estimator in Competing Risks
- Didier NJOMEN
- p9
- The Exponentiated Generalized Standardized Half-logistic Distribution
- Gauss Cordeiro
- Thiago de Andrade
- Marcelo Bourguignon
- Frank Gomes-Silva
- p24
- Dependence Modeling in Energy Markets using Sibuya-type Copulas
- Nikolai Kolev
- Jayme Pinto
- p43
- Geometric Views of Partial Correlation Coefficient in Regression Analysis
- Bilin Zeng
- Kang Chen
- Cong Wang
- p51
- An Extension of the Kumaraswamy Distribution
- Jalmar Carrasco
- Gauss Cordeiro
- p61
- Generalized Exponentiated Weibull Linear Model in the Presence of Covariates
- Tiago Santana
- Edwin Ortega
- Gauss Cordeiro
- Adriano Suzuki
- p75
- Evaluating Model of Road Traffic in Open Housing Estate Based on Cellular Automaton
- Jialin Wen
- Min Zou
- p99
- Weighted Distributions: A Brief Review, Perspective and Characterizations
- Aamir Saghir
- G. Hamedani
- Sadaf Tazeem
- Aneeqa Khadim
- p109
- Self-Selecting Robust Logistic Regression Model
- Idelphonse Gbohounme
- Oscar Ngesa
- Jude Eggoh
- p132
- The Gamma Generalized Pareto Distribution with Applications in Survival Analysis
- Thiago de Andrade
- Luz Milena Fernandez
- Frank Gomes-Silva
- Gauss Cordeiro
- p141
- Hybrid Measurement Models for Technology-Enhanced Assessments Through mIRT-bayes
- Kathleen Scalise
- p168
- Estimating Disease Risk of Diabetes Cases in the Presence of Underreporting
- Oti-Boateng Emmanuel
- p188
- A New Margin Function for Anti-infective Trials
- Félix -Arao
- Hortensia Reyes-Cervantes
- José Castro-Alva
- p204
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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