Weak Form Efficiency of the Amman Stock Exchange: An Empirical Analysis (2000-2013)

  •  Izz eddien N. Ananzeh    


The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) has been a lot of debates in the literature of finance because of its important implication, and there is no clear-cut case regarding the efficiency of the financial markets for both developed and emerging markets. This empirical study conducted to examine EMH at the weak form level of Amman stock Exchange (ASE) by using daily observations for the period span from 2000 to 2013. Recent econometric procedures utilized for testing the randomness of stock prices for ASE. The results of serial correlation reject the existence of random walks in daily returns of the ASE, and the unit root tests also conclude the return series of ASE are stationary and inefficient at the weak-level. Also the runs tests verify that the stock returns series on ASE are not random, and our final conclusion reports that the ASE is inefficient at the weak form level. 

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