Critical Success Factors in Implementing BPR in a Government Manufacturing Unit – An Empirical Study

  •  Sushil Dubey    
  •  Sanjeev Bansal    


The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical success factors for Business Process Reengineering
implementation of a government manufacturing unit. A questionnaire was designed and was mailed to
government manufacturing units. The data extracted from the replies were used to perform the empirical analysis.
Based on the results, a conceptual model was prepared. Hypotheses were developed to evaluate the impact of
Critical Success Factors constructs on the overall performance of the manufacturing unit. The empirical analysis
reveals that there is a substantial positive effect of the Critical Success Factors on the overall performance of the
government units. Overall, the results showed that there is lack of coherency in implementing Critical Success
Factorss in government units because of certain handicaps under which government agencies operate. Ironically
these handicaps are practically unknown to private sector. Notwithstanding this, the government units can
improve performance by adopting and adapting methodologies, some goals that have proven in private sector
business. The research is subject to the normal limitations of survey research. The research can make a useful
contribution to government units.

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