The Impact of National Factors on Personnel Management: A Cross-National Examination of HRM Practices in Singapore and Thailand

  •  Nick Bi    


This paper attempts to analyse and compare the human resource management (HRM) practices between
Singapore and Thailand in terms of Budhwar and Sparrow’s framework for examining cross-national HRM
practices, particularly focusing on national factors and organizational strategies. It aims to identify the significant
relationships between national factors, such as national culture, business sectors and business environment, and
HRM practices. Additionally, the paper also explains how companies manage their personnel with the HRM
practices developed and influenced by its national factors. To strengthen the argument, the paper then discusses
HRM practices at organizational levels in both countries and pays specific attention to the core HRM functions
of recruitment and selection, training and development and remuneration and reward in order to prove the
significant roles national factors have played in each country’s HRM practices and policies.

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