Factors Welfare Recipients View Significant to Become Self-Sufficient

  •  Lucson Francois    


The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of welfare recipients regarding factors significant to becoming self-sufficient in Southeast Florida. The study took a qualitative approach, administering in-depth interviews to 20 current welfare clients. To ensure valid and reliable results, a computer software program known as QSR NVivo 10 was utilized for the accurate coding of responses. Findings in the study suggest that benefits, such as child care, transportation, Medicaid, subsidized employment, housing assistance, and vocational training provided by the government are significant in helping welfare recipients successfully transition from relying on the governmental assistance to obtaining reliable employment with the ultimate goal of becoming self-sufficient; however, their perception differs from policy makers in terms of the benefits provided by the government and how those benefits should be provided. Participants reported that the most helpful programs to their becoming successful were subsidized employment and vocational training. They believed the programs should be redesigned to focus on clients’ success. They believed community service did not help them achieve their long- term goal of becoming independent. Implications for social work research and practice are suggested.

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