Service Recovery Based on Perceived Justice: A Study on Locus Attribution

  •  Yolanda Masnita Siagian    
  •  Hermien Triyowati    


The purpose of this study is to close the gap from previous studies regarding the failure recovery services do not consider the locus attribution. Changes in the service process to the era of SSTs (Self Service Technologies), increasing the cause of the failure is not only companies but also can be derived from the customer. This study seeks to examine the compatibility between failure and recovery that can be perceived as fair.

By using experimental or experimental method, using a study design with one-way between subject by 3 (three) factors experimental / independent variables, namely: 2 (type of failure: failure process vs. outcome failure) x 2 (locus attribution: firm vs. customer) x 6 (recovery strategies: Compensation, No Compensation, Immediate Response Speed, Delay Response Speed, Apology Present, Absent Apology). The results showed that the recovery is done by locus attribution greatly affects perceived justice.


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