Investigating the Impact of Personality Traits on Expanded Model of Organizational Identification

  •  Asal Aghaz    
  •  Amin Hashemi    


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of personality traits on the expanded model oforganizational identification and to empirically address the following question: “can personality traits explainwhy some people identify strongly with their organization more than others?” The population of this surveyincluded employees of the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The research method adoptedin this study was survey and the main tool for data collection was questionnaire. The results indicated that therewere significant positive relationship between personality and organizational identification, significant negativerelationship among personality, disidentification and neutral identification, and no relationship betweenpersonality and ambivalent identification. It was also found that highly extrovert employees with agreeablenesstraits, identified with their organization more than those with neuroticism trait, and neurotic employees felt moredisidentification, neutral, or ambivalent identification.

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