Sport Club Websites Condition: Marketing Oriented Research

  •  Ridvan Ekmekci    


The purpose of this study was to determine Turkish Basketball First Division clubs’ Internet web sites condition
according to marketing activities. Analytical Hierarchy Method (AHM) was used to evaluate marketing activities
of the clubs’ on their official web-sites. The method was used in solving of multi dimensional problems, in
observing the alternatives and evaluating the performances. The measures are in a row: side product, ticket,
sponsors, funs, news, and general information and usage elements. As the purpose of this study was to evaluate
the efficiency of the web sites of the clubs which were built for internet marketing, it was convenient to use the
AHM. Qualitative reserch method scanning model was used for gathering data. 8 teams and 7 measures were
taken in to consideration for creating the decision matris in the size of 8x7. R conclusion vektor in the statement
# 17 is obtained by the multiplation of the values on the matris and W dominancy vektor between measures in
statement # 1. Consistency rate is in value of (CR<0.10) 0.029 for the measures topics. As result, it was firstly
determined that clubs have to give a place to the news on their Web sites and secondly the easy usage of Web
sites’ is too important to be effective when sport clubs are selling the merchandise via Internet. The clubs need to
consider strategic and use their websites as marketing, public relation and promotiong tool. So, website is
important for the institutional structure also.

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