Can Bank Mergers and Acquisitions Favour the Credit Availability for Tunisian Firms?

  •  Hakimi Abdelaziz    
  •  Khazri Bilel    


Despite of the low size of banking Merger and acquisition (M&A) in Tunisia, we took the initiative to treat a
subject which remains of topicality especially for the Tunisian context. We can consider this study like the first
to be conducted in Tunisia. The aim of this paper is to empirically analyze the effect of Tunisian bank
acquisition on the credit availability. On the basis of the data relating to 83 Tunisian companies in relation to the
acquired bank (Banque de Sud according to the old denomination and Attijari Bank after acquisition) observed
during the period 2001-2008 and in using the panel data technique, the results show that banking acquisition
affects negatively and significantly the credit availability. Contrary to the literature based on this topic, the firm
size is positively and significantly correlated with the credit availability whereas the effect of the bank size is no

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