Time Waster in Nursing Career Field Study in Medical Baghdad City

  •  Maysoon Abdul Kareem Mohammed    
  •  Khalaf Rashim Flayeh    


In the various periods of human life time have a high value and it plays a definitive role to accomplish goals, duties and wishes either individual or organization. Time in the sector of healthcare hand chance for physicians and nurses to help and remedy patients beside it conduces to build a sound healthy system. Thus, time waster becomes as worst losses because it related to human life. The purpose of this research is to restrict the nurses’ actions which it prompts to lost time from a workday as well as to estimate the amount of time spent in each act. Data were collected from three groups of nurses sample worked in the morning and evening shifts in Medical Baghdad City by survey questionnaire that involved (47) items. The outcomes of accumulated data from the samples were underline three groups of acts have varying influence lead in lost time during a workday of nurses in the Iraqi context. In addition, the finding resulted that the amount of time lost is nearby to other lands, such as Iran, Australia, United State and   South America. At last the present study confirms that there is no an universal tool suitable to determine all deeds cause to deprive time and measure the amount of time lost whereof incite us to create and construct a local convenient instrument almost fit with domestic environment and culture.

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