Drivers of Coopetition in the Plastic and Composites Material Industry

  •  Said Echchakoui    
  •  Simon Chrétien    


In this research, we explore which activities may be subject to coopetition in the plastic and composites industry. We also compared the main antecedents, outcomes, and moderators of coopetition in the plastic and composites industry with those identified in existing literature. Results indicate that the respondents have a desire for coopetition, but for activities not close to the customer (sales, after-sales service, customer information). On the other hand, respondents are in favor of collaborations for sharing (1) costs of shipping and/or importing raw materials, (2) information on other competitors, (3) technical expertise on non-exclusive products, and (4) information that could have an impact on the partner. In terms of antecedents, we found that there are positive elements that favor the creation of coopetition. However, certain elements at the relational level obstruct the formation of coopetition, such as (1) reciprocity, (2) fairness, (3) integrity, and (4) keeping promises.

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