The Effect of Business Process Re-Engineering on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Information and Communications Technology

  •  Aysar Mohammad Khashman    


The purpose of this study is to attempt to highlight the factors of business process reengineering (BPR) processes that effect on organizational performance in the Drivers and Vehicles License Department (DVLD) in Jordan through using ICT as a mediating role. From previous studies, five factors of BPR were adopted for this study, including "Ability to change, Selecting BPR Methodology, Organizational Culture, BPR strategic alignment, and Top management support ". ICT was used as an intermediary role for this structure to promote organizational performance. The study used the PLS software to analyze the basic relationships amongst the most relevant combinations between BPR, ICT, and Organizational Performance with a total of five constructs. As a result of the findings of operational, middle, and top levels (n=124) working in Drivers and Vehicles License Department (DVLD), it was awarded the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Jordan for 2018. It was found that there was a strong and statistically positive significant relationship between several variables of business process reengineering and organizational Performance by using the ICT as a mediating variable.

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