Generic Competencies in the Education of Engineers: The Case of Engineering Program in a Public University in Mexico

  •  Alejandra García-Serna    
  •  José Arcos-Vega    
  •  Juan Sevilla-García    
  •  María Oliveros-Ruíz    


We present an analysis regarding generic skills on engineering program offered in a public state university in Mexico (UABC). The university implemented a new educational model changing rigid programs to flexible programs based on competencies. The goal is to determine generic skills related to the four pillars of learning: learning to do, learning to know, learning to be, and learning to live together. This work is non experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive. The study reflect upon the generic competences that students consider are being promoted during their first years in the university and provides a reference for the methodology to identify development of generic skills in engineering students.

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