The Investigation on Brand Image of University Education and Students’ Word-of-Mouth Behavior
This study aimed to find how the brand image and satisfaction of universities influence university students’ word-of-mouth behavior, including the sharing of satisfying experiencesand recommendations to others. This study conducted a questionnaire survey and distributed 400 questionnaires to students and graduates of universities in Taiwan; 336 valid questionnaires were retrieved. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Models (SEM). According to the findings, brand image significantly and positively influences loyalty; satisfaction significantly and positively influences loyalty; loyalty significantly and positively influences haring of satisfying experience; and loyalty significantly and positively influences recommendations to others. Brand image and satisfaction can influence the sharing of satisfying experience sand recommendations to others by the moderating effect of loyalty. The loyalty effect model of higher education institutes constructed by this study could explain and predict the effects of brand image and satisfaction of higher education institutes on university students’ word-of-mouth behavior, and it could function as the criteria for marketing strategies of higher education institutes.