Health Impact of Long Covid among Student Teachers, Kasetsart University

  •  Tharisara Chirasatienpon    


This study employed a mixed methods approach, consisting of two distinct phases. Phase 1 aimed to investigate the health consequences of long Covid among student teachers who had been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as the factors linked with long Covid problems. The data collection process involved utilizing the Taro Yamane, (1973) formula to determine the sample size, which was conducted with a 95% confidence level. The population under consideration consisted of student teachers in their first to fourth year of study, as specified in the Yamane table. The total sample size was determined to be n=286, and the sampling procedure employed stratification based on the relative proportions of student teachers in each of the four academic levels. Phase 2 refers to the second stage in a process. In order to gain further insights into the enduring health consequences of instructing student teachers at Kasetsart University, this study aims to employ comprehensive interviews with a sample population. The objective is to scrutinize intricate details pertaining to the health ramifications of long Covid, while also explore the adverse effects of long Covid on student teachers at Kasetsart University. Based on the findings, seven categories of symptoms can be explored.

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