Using PLS-SEM to Examine the Structure of First-year University Students' Mathematics-related Beliefs

  •  Ruixuan Ji    
  •  Xiaoyao Yue    
  •  Xu Zheng    


Many research indicated that more and more students choose to drop out of mathematics-related subjects during university study, especially in the western context. Besides the difficulty of mathematics content, first-year university students also face issues of the transition period. Identifying the impact of first-year university students' belief factors on their persistence in mathematics study needed further research. This study served as a pilot study; it structured the framework of first-year university students’ mathematics-related beliefs in relation to students’ persistence on the further mathematics study. A two-stage approach of using PLS-SEM to assessing the conceptual framework was introduced in detail. The relationships of dimensions of students’ epistemological beliefs about mathematics, self-efficacy, self-regulated learning strategies and perceptions about learning environment were assessed. This study provides the feasibility for future follow-up studies to examine mathematics-related beliefs and intentions to continue learning among university students on a larger scale.

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