Undergraduate Research Supervision: A Case Study of Supervisors' Perceptions at Yanbu University College
- Suzan Hasan Al-Doubi
- Hala Fawzi
- JoDee Walters
This exploratory case study examined supervisors' perceptions of supervision of undergraduate research projects, and whether the level of experience affects the quality of the supervision process. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Participants were three supervisors with varying levels of experience in the supervision process at Yanbu University College in Saudi Arabia. Obtained themes were used with the whole data-set. The data were rearranged according to the emerged common themes among the three participants. Findings revealed that the level of experience affected the supervision process in relation to the supervisors‘ perceptions. It also suggested that the level of expereince of the supervisors influnced the process of supervision and the feedback given to the undergraduate students. An implication of these findings is that providing novice supervisors with training and guidance should be considered. Departments should create a discussion platform between experienced and novice supervisors to ensure that the supervision expereince is well delivered to undergraduates during their research projects. The study recommends supervisors to revisit all phases of their practice.