Vol. 2, No. 1 (2013), Earth Science Research
- A Case Study of Mesospheric Wave Periods and Horizontal Structures over a Low Latitude Station, Allahabad (India)
- N. Parihar
- A. Taori
- V. Kamalakar
- S. V. B. Rao
- p1
- Interpretation of Regional Magnetic Field Data Offshore Niger Delta Reveals Relationship between Deep Basement Architecture and Hydrocarbon Target
- A. A. Okiwelu
- O. Ofrey-Kulo
- I. A. Ude
- p13
- On the Ultra-Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Depression for Three Huge Oceanic Earthquakes in Japan and in the Kurile Islands
- M. Hayakawa
- A. Schekotov
- E. Fedorov
- Y. Hobara
- p33
- Grain Size Analysis of the Sediments from Ogun River, South Western Nigeria
- Itunu Comfort Okeyode
- Norbert Nnamdi Jibiri
- p43
- Geology and Economic Evaluation of Odobola, Ogodo Feldspar Mineral Deposit, Ajaokuta Local Government Area, Kogi State, Nigeria
- Ako Thomas Agbor
- Onoduku Usman Shehu
- p52
- Upward Continuation and Reduction to Pole Process on Aeromagnetic Data of Ibadan Area, South-Western Nigeria
- S. A. Ganiyu
- B. S. Badmus
- M. O. Awoyemi
- O. D. Akinyemi
- Oluwaseun T. Olurin
- p66
- Impact of Precipitation Rate Assimilation over India and Surrounding Regions
- Surya K. Dutta
- V. S. Prasad
- p74
- Application of Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Mapping Subsurface Hydrocarbon Contamination
- Elijah A. Ayolabi
- Adetayo F. Folorunso
- Samuel S. Idem
- p93
- Sedimentological Characterization of the Pre-Santonian Siliciclastic Deposits of Lower Benue Trough, Southeastern Nigeria
- Olubunmi Adeigbe
- O. Oruene
- p105
- Engineering Site Characterisation Using 2-D and 3-D Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Elijah Ayolabi
- Ibok Enoh
- Adetayo Folorunso
- p133
- Petrographic and Structural Analysis of Exposed Rocks of Bishini Sheet (Block 2), North Central Nigeria
- Ako Agbor
- Onoduku Shehu
- Salihu Dantata
- Ejepu Jude
- Abdulfatai Asema
- p143
- Evaluation of Biogas Production Yields of Different Waste Materials
- Bahtiyar Ozturk
- p165
- La Dramaticaly Enhances the Accumulation of Tanshinones in Salvia Miltiorrhiza Hairy Root Cultures
- Jie Zhou
- Lei Fang
- Xiao Wang
- Lanping Guo
- Luqi Huang
- p187
- Electrofacies Modelling and Lithological Classification of Coals and Mud-bearing Fine-grained Siliciclastic Rocks Based on Neural Networks
- Paula Schmitt
- Mauricio Veronez
- Francisco Tognoli
- Viviane Todt
- Ricardo Lopes
- Carlos Silva
- p193
- Estimating Aquifer Hydraulic Properties in Bida Basin, Central Nigeria Using Empirical Methods
- Idris-Nda Abdullahi
- p209
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
- Lesley LuoEditorial Assistant
- esr@ccsenet.org