Vol. 6, No. 4 (2017), Sustainable Agriculture Research
- Phosphorus Sorption Behavior of Torrefied Agricultural Byproducts under Sonicated Versus Non-Sonicated Conditions
- Jehangir Bhadha
- Stephen Jennewein
- Raju Khatiwada
- p1
- Implications of Seed Policies for On-Farm Agro-Biodiversity in Ethiopia and Uganda
- Gloria Otieno
- Travis Reynolds
- Altinay Karasapan
- Isabel Noriega
- p12
- Comparative Proximate and Mineral Composition of Moringa oleifera and Moringa ovalifolia Grown in Central Namibia
- Morlu Korsor
- Charles Ntahonshikira
- Haruna Bello
- Habauka Kwaambwa
- p31
- Efficacy of Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids in the Management of Thrips and Whitefly on Snap Beans
- Geoffrey Wafula
- James Muthomi
- John Nderitu
- George Chemining’wa
- p45
- Grower Perception of the Significance of Weaver Ants as a Fruit Fly Deterrent in Tanzanian Smallholder Mango Production
- Nina Kirkegaard
- Theodosy Msogoya
- Joachim Offenberg
- Brian Grout
- p55
- Power Laws in Cone Production of Longleaf Pine across Its Native Range in the United States
- Xiongwen Chen
- Qinfeng Guo
- Dale Brockway
- p64
- Effects of Biochar and Farm Yard Manure on Soil Properties and Crop Growth in an Agroforestry System in the Himalaya
- Deepak Gautam
- Roshan Bajracharya
- Bishal Sitaula
- p74
- Multivariate Characterization of Biological Efficiency in Dairy Cows in Grazing Systems
- P. Marini
- R. Castro
- E. Frana
- R. J. Di Masso
- p83
- Effects of Incorporating Biochar into the Soil Using Power Tiller and Ox-Plough
- Masauso Ndhlovu
- Nicholas Kiggundu
- Joshua Wanyama
- Noble Banadda
- p93
- Land Access and Household Food Security in Kpomassè District, Southern Benin: A Few Lessons for Smallholder Agriculture Interventions
- Augustin Aoudji
- Prudence Kindozoun
- Anselme Adegbidi
- Jean Ganglo
- p104
- Drivers of Labour Productivity in Flower Farms in Naivasha, Kenya
- Jared Mose
- p117
- Screening Cover Crops for Weed Suppression in Conservation Agriculture
- Mutondwa Phophi
- Paramu Mafongoya
- Alfred Odindo
- Lembe Magwaza
- p124
- Anatomical Characteristics of Garcinia lucida (Vesque) and Scorodophloeus zenkeri (Harms) Wood and Debarking Response in the South Region Cameroon
- Marie Solefack
- Hans Beeckman
- Lucie Temgoua
- Ghislain Kinjouo
- p132
- Screening Cover Crops for Soil Macrofauna Abundance and Diversity in Conservation Agriculture
- Mutondwa Phophi
- Paramu Mafongoya
- Alfred Odindo
- Lembe Magwaza
- p142
- Importance of Home Gardens in Rural Zone of the Municipality of Abomey-Calavi in South of Republic of Benin
- Adjahossou Sedami
- Adjahossou Naesse
- Gbenou Pascal
- Adjahossou Firmin
- p150
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
- Joan LeeEditorial Assistant
- sar@ccsenet.org