Land Access and Household Food Security in Kpomassè District, Southern Benin: A Few Lessons for Smallholder Agriculture Interventions
- Augustin Aoudji
- Prudence Kindozoun
- Anselme Adegbidi
- Jean Ganglo
Land remains a key asset in smallholder agriculture, and is expected to play a critical contribution to food security, still a major concern for decision makers. The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between land access mechanisms and the food security situation of households in Kpomassè district (southern Benin). A survey was conducted among 150 farmers selected randomly in six villages across the district. Data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics, access to land and food consumption patterns of the households. Data analysis encompassed a typology of households according to their access to land, by combining Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis. The level of household food security was assessed by computing the food consumption score. Three types of producers were identified based on their access to land. These were typified as “renters”, “borrowers” and “heirs”, representing 44%, 21%, and 35% of the sample, respectively. The average food consumption score ranged between 51.9 and 57.4, showing a satisfactory food intake for all types of households. The study suggests that secure modes of access to land might improve the food security status of households through increased assets. Also, there is a need of capacity building for farmers, in order to address the critical issue of the impoverishment of soil, through fertility management programs. The issue of access to credit is also an important policy matter.
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- DOI:10.5539/sar.v6n4p104
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