Vol. 11, No. 3 (2019), Journal of Agricultural Science
- Differences in Leaf Color and Stage of Development at Harvest Influenced Phytochemical Content in Three Cultivars of Kale (Brassica oleracea L. and B. napus)
- Nicole L. Waterland
- Youyoun Moon
- Janet C. Tou
- Dean A. Kopsell
- Moo Jung Kim
- Suejin Park
- p14
- Profitability and Water Productivity of Small Scale Irrigation Schemes in Northern Ghana
- Belinda Prekoh Bruce
- Abdul-Rauf Malimanga Alhassan
- Xuecheng Dou
- Daxin Gong
- p22
- Postharvest Management Practices of Grains in the Eastern Region of Kenya
- Anastasia W. Njoroge
- Ibrahim Baoua
- Dieudonne Baributsa
- p33
- Evolution of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Agricultural Cold Chain Monitoring: A Literature Review
- Bahareh Mosadegh Sedghy
- p43
- Biomass, Protein Content and Cell Damage in Tanzania Grass Irrigated With Saline Water
- Nildo Da Silva Dias
- Osvaldo Nogueira de Sousa Neto
- Francisco Vanies da Silva Sá
- Débora Evangelista Façanha de Morais
- Bruno Goulart de Azevedo Souza
- Cleyton dos Santos Fernandes
- Celimari Campos da Silva Junior
- Eder Junio Vilar dos Santos
- Ytalo Cleyton dos Santos Souza
- Airlis Mendes de Freitas Junior
- p59
- Estimating Impacts of Land Use Change on Evapotranspiration for Three Agricultural Crops in Malta—A Preliminary Assessment
- Sara Fenech
- Jerry Knox
- Malcolm Borg
- Christian Camilleri
- Alex Rizzo
- p67
- Influence of Nutrient Solution Temperature on Its Oxygen Level and Growth, Yield and Quality of Hydroponic Cucumber
- Muthir S. Al-Rawahy
- Salim A. Al-Rawahy
- Yaseen A. Al-Mulla
- Saleem K. Nadaf
- p75
- Volatile Organic Compounds Role in Selective Pollinator Visits to Commercial Melon Types
- Nayanny de S. Fernandes
- Francisca Aliny N. Silva
- Fernando A. S. de Aragão
- Guilherme J. Zocolo
- Breno M. Freitas
- p93
- Analysis of Market Participation Behavior Among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Uganda
- Elizabeth K. Balirwa
- Emmanuel Waholi
- p109
- Soil Physical Quality After 21 Years of Cultivation in a Brazilian Cerrado Latosol
- Aristides O. Ngolo
- Maurílio F. Oliveira
- Igor R. Assis
- Genelício C. Rocha
- Raphael B. A. Fernandes
- p124
- FOTODIM—Software for Sizing of Photovoltaic Systems
- Daisy Regina dos Santos
- Carlos Eduardo Camargo Nogueira
- Felix Augusto Pazuch
- Francielle Pareja Schneider
- Jair Antonio Cruz Siqueira
- Vitor Lisboa Nogueira
- Samuel Nelson Melegari de Souza
- Vander Fabio Silveira
- p137
- Improving Water Use Efficiency and Insect Pest Exclusion on French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Using Different Coloured Agronet Covers
- Munywoki James Ngelenzi
- Ogweno Joshua Otieno
- Saidi Mwanarusi
- p159
- Evaluation of Steroid Sex Hormone Levels in Cockatiels During Their Reproductive Cycle
- Hsin-Tai Hong
- Chean-Ping Wu
- p172
- Effect of Calcium Hypochlorite in Drip Irrigation System After Application of Red Potassium Chloride
- F. L. Suszek
- M. A. Vilas Boas
- S. C. Sampaio
- p180
- Quality of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Due to Grafting in Solanaceae of Different Species
- João Lucas Moraes Vieira
- Rogério Eiji Hanada
- p188
- Soil Physical Attributes Under Eucalyptus stands With Non-living and Living Plants
- Nayana Alves Pereira
- João Carlos Medeiros
- Julian Júnio de Jesus Lacerda
- Jaqueline Dalla Rosa
- Bruna Anair Souto Dias
- Everaldo Moreira da Silva
- Rafael Felippe Ratke
- Wanderson de Sousa Mendes
- p197
- Chemical Attributes of a Dystrophic Red Latosol of Brazilian Cerrado After Poultry Litter Application Associated to a Urea Inhibitor
- Joiran Luiz Magalhães
- Antonio Carlos Saraiva da Costa
- June Faria Scherrer Menezes
- Elcio Barbosa De Oliveira
- Marcos Vinicius Pereira Vieira
- Daniela Borges do Couto Magalhães
- Arthur Almeida Rodrigues
- p208
- Polymer-Coated Urea in Broadcast or Furrow Application in the Corn-Palisadegrass Intercropping System
- Rodrigo Estevam Munhoz de Almeida
- José Laércio Favarin
- Felipe Brendler Oliveira
- Clovis Pierozan Junior
- Silas Maciel de Oliveira
- Bruno Cocco Lago
- Tiago Tezotto
- Rafael Otto
- Paulo César Ocheuze Trivelin
- p226
- Production of Biogas and Biofertilizer by the Co-digestion of Effluent From Cellulose Industry With Addition of Glycerin
- M. L. Veroneze
- D. Schwantes
- A. C. Gonçalves Jr
- J. Manfrin
- A. P. Schiller
- T. B. Schuba
- A. Richart
- V. Schwantes
- p242
- Nutritional Contribution of Litter in Rainforest of Brazil
- Rosival B. A. Lima
- Luiz C. Marangon
- Fernando J. Freire
- Ana L. P. Feliciano
- Maria B. G. S. Freire
- Roseane K. S. Silva
- Clarissa S. Freire
- p254
- Development and Yield of Irrigated Sugarcane as Affected by Nitrogen Sources and Rate in Brazilian Cerrado Oxisol
- N. F. da Silva
- F. N. Cunha
- M. B. Teixeira
- F. A. L. Soares
- E. C. da Silva
- R. D. Coelho
- F. R. Cabral Filho
- p267
- Extracts From Leaves of Allamanda blanchetti Inducing Mechanism of Defense to Diseases in Sugarcane
- Louise M. S. Oliveira
- Clebia M. A. Almeida
- Alexandre Gomes da Silva
- Bruno Oliveira de Veras
- Fernanda Granja da Silva Oliveira
- Juciara Carneiro Gouveia Tenório
- Maria Tereza dos Santos Correia
- Leonardo Sousa Cavalcanti
- Rildo S. B. Coelho
- Márcia Vanusa da Silva
- p282
- Effect of Insulator on Thermal Comfort in Poultry House in the Western Region of the State of Paraná
- Suélen C. Maino
- J. A. C. Siqueira
- S. N. M. De Souza
- H. Mukai
- R. G. R. Da Silva
- C. E. C. Nogueira
- J. A. A. Dos Santos
- M. De Bastiani
- C. A. Marques
- J. Zanella
- E. Seabra Júnior
- D. M. Dal Pozzo
- A. F. Toscan
- p289
- Ethylene Production and Physiological Parameters in Common Bean Plants Under Water Deficit
- F. F. Sartori
- A. C. Ferreira
- C. E. N. Hertz
- E. T. Okamura
- G. Felisberto
- M. V. Pessotto
- J. M. Soave
- L. P. Barros
- A. A. P. Almeida
- K. M. Souza
- T. Tezotto
- F. O. Brendler
- K. Reichardt
- D. Dourado-Neto
- p301
- Path Analysis in Soybean Under Drought Stress and Co-inoculated With Azospirillum brasilense
- Alessandra Maria de Lima Naoe
- Joênes Mucci Peluzio
- Lucas Koshy Naoe
- Leonardo José Motta Campos
- Waldesse Piragé de Oliveira Júnior
- p311
- Growth of Spondias tuberosa Irrigated With Saline Water
- F. S. Matos
- I. A. S. Freitas
- V. L. G. Pereira
- L. P. Borges
- W. K. L. Pires
- M. C. H. Souza
- G. H. F. de Lima
- V. A. Amorim
- p320
- Spectral Response of Water Under Different Concentrations of Suspended Sediment: Measurement and Simplified Modeling
- J. W. B. Lopes
- F. B. Lopes
- E. M. de Andrade
- L. C. G. Chaves
- M. G. R. Carneiro
- p327
- Brugmansia suaveolens Leaf Productivity and Alkaloid Contents Under Different Doses of Organic Fertilizer
- Rafael B. Reis
- Felipe S. Bragagnolo
- Thiago M. R. Gianeti
- Sérgio A. Rodrigues
- Cristiano S. Funari
- Gabriela G. Gonçalves
- Lin C. Ming
- p341
- Biomass Accumulation and Growth of Common Bean Plants Under Water and Salt Stresses
- Gustavo da S. Vieira
- Fernando R. Cabral Filho
- Fernando N. Cunha
- Carlos R. Rodrigues
- Marconi B. Teixeira
- Tatiana M. Rodrigues
- Samara S. Viana
- Vitor M. Veneziano
- Renato G. Guimarães Júnior
- Frederico A. L. Soares
- Cicero T. S. Costa
- Vitória R. de C. Martins
- p350
- Characterization of Physical-Chemical and Structural Soil Attributes in the Semiarid Region of the Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil
- Thais Cristina de Souza Lopes
- Jeane Cruz Portela
- Stefeson Bezerra de Melo
- Valéria Nayara Silva de Oliveira
- Rafael Oliveira Batista
- Joaquim Emanuel Fernandes Gondim
- Maria Elidayane da Cunha
- p359
- Gene Expression Related to Physiological Quality of Soybean Seeds
- Kiliany A. A. Moreno
- Raquel M. O. Pires
- Maria L. R. Castro
- Renato C. C. Vasconcellos
- Heloisa O. Santos
- Édila V. R. V. Pinho
- p370
- Effects of Coffee Bean Grounds on Urochloa brizantha Growth
- Tácio P. Da Silva
- Bruno M. R. de Melo
- Douglas G. Castro
- Antonio R. Neto
- Marco R. Félix
- Flávia B. S. Botelho
- p381
- Economic Analysis of the Corn Intercropped With Marandu Grass as a Function of Azospirillum brasilense Application
- Viviane C. Modesto
- Marcelo Andreotti
- Omar J. Sabbag
- Deyvison de A. Soares
- Eduardo A. P. Pechoto
- Isabô M. Pascoaloto
- Allan H. Nakao
- p387
- Salts Waters and Biofertilizers in Jackfruit Seedlings Formation
- Francisco de O. Mesquita II
- Lourival F. Cavalcante
- Jackson de M. Alves
- Valéria F. de O. Sousa
- Sebastião de O. Maia Jr
- Rafael O. Batista
- Reinaldo F. Medeiros
- Francisco R. de Azevedo
- p396
- Molecular and Aggressiveness Characterization of Isolates of Fusarium solani and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. passiflorae Associated to Passion Fruit Wilting
- Thalita N. Marostega
- Lizandra P. Lara
- Daiani da S. de Oliveira
- Antonio M. Chimello
- Thiago Alexandre S. Gilio
- Sandra da C. Preisigke
- Kelly L. Araujo
- Milson E. Serafim
- Leonarda G. Neves
- p407
- Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Protocol of Baccharis Seed Germination
- María Alejandra Moreno-Pizani
- Asdrubal Jesus Farias-Ramirez
- Hugo Thaner dos Santos
- Ana Dionisia da Luz Coelho Novembre
- Lorena Isabel Guevara-Orozco
- Franklin Paredes-Trejo
- Fábio Ricardo Marin
- Nildo da Silva Dias
- Patricia Angélica Alves Marques
- p421
- Effect of Trichoderma spp. on the Propagation of Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reissek
- Aline Peccatti
- Ana Paula Moreira Rovedder
- Gerusa Pauli Kist Steffen
- Joseila Maldaner
- Evandro Luiz Missio
- Cleber Saldanha Witt
- Rosana Matos de Morais
- Betina Camargo
- Frederico Neuenschwander
- José Corrêa da Silva Júnior
- Luana Camila Capitani
- Luna Parode Dalcul
- p435
- Selection Strategies for Grain Quality in Upland Rice Lines
- Antônio R. Neto
- Douglas G. Castro
- Camila S. C. Da Silva
- Laís M. Tomé
- Priscila Z. Bassinello
- Flávia B. S. Botelho
- p443
- Non-invasive Physiological Approaches for Plant Phenotyping: Rice Responses to Heat Stress
- Giovani Greigh de Brito
- Ítalo Lucas de Moraes
- Diogo Silva Moura
- Paulo Ricardo Reis Fagundes
- Angela Diniz Campos
- André Andres
- José Maria Barbat Parfit
- Luís Eduardo Panozzo
- Sidnei Deuner
- p453
- Hematological, Serum Biochemistry Profile and Nutrient Retention of Finisher Broilers Fed Diet in Which Bio-fermented Rice Husk Meal Substituted Brewer’s Dried Grain
- J. N. Ikpe
- E. C. Oko
- I. C. Vining-Ogu
- p465
- Electricity Consumption in the Pork Production Chain From the Western Region of Paraná State, Brazil
- Danieli Sanderson Silva
- Jair Antonio Cruz Siqueira
- Carlos Eduardo Camargo Nogueira
- Samuel Nelson Melegari de Souza
- Armin Feiden
- Luciene Kazue Tokura
- Patrícia Caroline Kostaneski
- Karina Sanderson Adame
- p474
- Mechanical Damages and Chemical Treatments in the Quality of Maize Seeds Stored
- Bárbara Gomes Ribeiro
- Raquel Maria de Oliveira Pires
- Tatiana Botelho Fantazzini
- Hesoisa Oliveira dos Santos
- Dayliane Bernardes de Andrade
- Renato Mendes Guimarães
- p482
- Lettuce Growth in Different Pot Volumes and Irrigation Frequencies Under Saline Stress
- Ana J. de O. Targino
- Francisco de A. de Oliveira
- Mychelle K. T. de Oliveira
- Lúcia R. de L. Régis
- Helena M. de Morais Neta
- Carla J. X. Cordeiro
- Francisco A. T. Alves
- Luan V. Nascimento
- Victor G. Pessoa
- Antônio A. A. de Oliveira
- Maria W. de L. Souza
- Paulo V. de Menezes
- Jessilanne P. B. de M. Costa
- Isabelly C. da S. Marques
- Rafaelle da Silva Freitas
- p494
- Growth and Production of Millet Irrigated With Dilutions of Treated Gray Water
- Allana Rayra Holanda Sotero
- Rafael Oliveira Batista
- Mychelle Karla Teixeira de Oliveira
- Francisco de Assis de Oliveira
- Ricardo André Rodrigues Filho
- Hérick Claudino Mendes
- Wellyda Keorle Barros de Lavôr
- Audilene Dantas da Silva
- p504
- A Case Study on the Dairy Project “Full Bucket” in Brazil: Socioeconomic and Environmental Characteristics in Areas Under Its Guidelines
- Álvaro Antônio Xavier de Andrade
- Rafael da Silva Teixeira
- Rodrigo Nogueira de Sousa
- Reinaldo Duque Brasil Landulfo Teixeira
- Dênis Antônio da Cunha
- Emanuelle Mêrces Barros Soares
- p515
- Growth and Productivity of Different Potato Cultivars
- Bulti Merga
- Nigussie Dechassa
- p528
- Geographical Indication and Regional Development: Cause or Consequence
- Alan Malacarne
- Liaria Nunes da Silva
- Camila Souza Vieira
- Ricardo Fontes Macedo
- Andreia Malacarne
- Washington Sales do Monte
- Robelius De-Bortoli
- p535
- The Protections Afforded by Geographical Indicators and Their Characteristics: The Case of the Gis in Brazilian Agribusiness
- Alan Malacarne
- Liaria Nunes da Silva
- Camila Souza Vieira
- Ricardo Fontes Macedo
- Andreia Malacarne
- Washington Sales do Monte
- Robelius De-Bortoli
- p541
- Morphological and Ecophysiological Indicators for Coriander Under Irrigation Depths and Nitrogen Levels
- Fábio Teixeira Delazari
- Mariane Gonçalves Ferreira Copati
- Gustavo Henrique da Silva
- Ronaldo Silva Gomes
- Derly José Henriques da Silva
- Carlos Nick
- p549
- Variation of Water Availability in Initial Development of Safflower
- Nayara F. F. da S. Cruz
- Luiz A. Zanão Júnior
- Reginaldo F. Santos
- Luciene K. Tokura
- Laís F. J. do Nascimento
- Jair A. C. Siqueira
- Alessandra M. T. Alovisi
- Luzia A. da S. Cruz
- Lorenzo C. M. Castanhari
- Maisa Y. F. Otake
- Marcos A. Polinarski
- Pablo Chang
- Vander F. Silveira
- Bruna S. Schuster
- p558
- Potassium Phosphite and Water Deficit: Physiological Response of Eucalyptus Using Multivariate Analysis
- Karoline Santos Gonçalves
- Vital Pedro da Silva Paz
- Fabiane de Lima Silva
- Kuang Hongyu
- Willian Fernandes de Almeida
- p565
- Molecular Characterization and Genetic Diversity of Yellow Passion Fruit Based on RAPD Markers
- Angélica Vieira Sousa Campos
- José Ricardo Peixoto
- Fábio Gelape Faleiro
- Michelle Souza Vilela
- Márcio de Carvalho Pires
- p575
- Physiological and Sanitary Quality in Cowpea Seeds Produced in Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil
- Ronimeire T. da Silva
- Maria de F. Q. Lopes
- Francisco H. A. de Andrade
- Riselane de L. A. Bruno
- Otília R. de Fárias
- Toshik I. da Silva
- Nelto A. de Souza
- p581
- Soil Quality Indicators After Sequential Applications of Poultry Litter
- Jackeline Vieira do Santos Laroca
- Tatiane Andrea de Camargo
- Camila Menezes Rodrigues da Silva
- Juliana Mendes Andrade de Souza
- Andressa Selestina Dalla Côrt São Miguel
- Diego Oliveira Ribeiro
- Rafael Gonçalves Cuissi
- Leandro Pereira Pacheco
- Francine Damian da Silva
- Edicarlos Damacena de Souza
- p590
- Determination of Antioxidant Content and Capacity of Four Jordanian Fresh Citrus Fruits
- H. F. Al-Sayyed
- R. A. Al-Kurd
- M. M. Mwalla
- S. M. Abdel Qader
- p605
- Evaluating the Phoenix dactylifera L. Biochemical Changes Associated With Its Maturation
- Saad Alqarni
- Mohammad D. Bazzi
- p614
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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- h-index: 67
- i10-index: 839
- WJCI (2022): 1.220
- WJCI Impact Factor: 0.263
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