The Development of Artificial Intelligence Competency on the Flipped Classroom with Demonstration Learning Platform

  •  Sriwichai Netniyom    
  •  Pinanta Chatwattana    
  •  Pallop Piriyasurawong    


The development of artificial intelligence competency on the flipped classroom with demonstration learning platform is the study that was conducted with the ideas to enhance the quality of Thai youths so that it would align with the instruction management in the age of artificial intelligence (AI), in which a number of AI applications have been widely applied in education and learning as well as the creation of useful works. One of the most important things to be taken into account when using this modern technology is the data security and the ethical use of AI. The main objective of this research is to study the results of the development of artificial intelligence competency in terms of artificial intelligence skills and awareness of the impact of using artificial intelligence, and the satisfaction of the research participants after learning with the flipped classroom with demonstration learning platform; thereby the said participants are 32 students of Rajinibon School, derived by means of cluster sampling, all of whom are studying at grade 12 enrolled in the course “Computer for Career”. The research results show that (1) the artificial intelligence skills after learning with the flipped classroom with demonstration learning platform are higher than 80% (percentage = 81.25), (2) the awareness of the impact of using artificial intelligence after learning with the flipped classroom with demonstration learning platform is at very high level (mean = 4.60, SD = 0.04), and (3) the satisfaction after learning with the flipped classroom with demonstration learning platform is at very high level (mean = 4.66, SD = 0.02).

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