Online Training by Active Learning Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review

  •  Suwicha Wittayakom    
  •  Chintana Kanjanavisutt    
  •  Methinee Wongwanich Rumpagaporn    


This systematic literature review explores the implementation and effectiveness of active learning approaches in online training environments. The rapid growth of online education necessitates strategies that enhance learner engagement and improve educational outcomes. The review identifies various active learning techniques, such as discussions, simulations, case studies, and collaborative problem-solving, which shift the focus from passive information absorption to active knowledge construction. Analyzing empirical studies from 2020 to 2024, the review highlights the positive impacts of active learning on learner engagement, motivation, satisfaction, and overall learning outcomes. Key findings reveal that active learning methods lead to improved knowledge retention, skill development, and practical application of knowledge, addressing the challenges of disengagement commonly associated with traditional online training methods. The review also emphasizes the importance of adaptive learning systems, personalized feedback, and interactive learning activities in fostering an engaging online learning environment. Based on the findings, the review provides recommendations for designing and implementing effective online training programs and suggests directions for future research to further enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of active learning approaches in digital education. By addressing these aspects, the review contributes valuable insights into the development of engaging and impactful online training experiences, ultimately improving learning outcomes for diverse learners.

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