Vol. 5, No. 2 (2016), Earth Science Research
- Improving Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Inversion Result Using Singular Value Decomposition
- Widodo Widodo
- Durra Saputera
- p20
- Effects of Displacement Velocity on Rock Fracture Shear Strengths under Large Confinements
- Matsee Kleepmek
- Supattra K hamrat
- Kittitep Fuenkajorn
- p32
- ULF/ELF Atmospheric Radiation in Possible Association to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake as Observed in China
- A. Schekotov
- H. J. Zhou
- X. L. Qiao
- M. Hayakawa
- p47
- Detecting Buried Human Bodies Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
- Widodo Widodo
- Iqbal Aditama
- Khalid Syaifullah
- Muthi’a J. Mahya
- M. Hidayat
- p59
- Re-Discussion on the Metallogenic Age of the Hadamengou Gold Deposit in Inner Mongolia, China
- Yu Zhang
- Yangyang Chen
- p85
- Initiation and Maintenance Mechanisms for Heavy Precipitation System over a Mountainous Island under a Prevailing Monsoon Current
- Y.-L. Lin
- K.-Y. Lee
- C.-S. Chen
- F.-Y. Cheng
- P.-L. Lin
- J.-H. Teng
- C.-L. Liu
- p90
- Fluvial Erosion Characterisation in the Juqueriquerê River Channel, Caraguatatuba, Brazil
- Victor F. Velázquez
- Viviane D. A. Portela
- José M. Azevedo Sobrinho
- Antonio C. M. Guedes
- Mikhaela A. J. S. P letsch
- p105
- Geochemical Examination of Surficial Soil Overlying Uranium Deposit in Manyoni, Central Tanzania
- Miguta Faustine Ngulimi
- Hiroaki Ishiga
- p121
- Climatology of Heavy Orographic Rainfall Induced by Tropical Cyclones over Madagascar: From Synoptic to Mesoscale Perspectives
- Tatiana Arivelo
- Yuh-Lang Lin
- p132
- Geochemistry of Ultramafic to Mafic Rocks in the Norwegian Lapland: Inferences on Mantle Sources and Implications for Diamond Exploration
- Pavel Kepezhinskas
- Glenn Eriksen
- Nikita Kepezhinskas
- p148
- Characteristics of Fluid Inclusion and D-O-S-Pb Isotopes Geochemistry of Jiaojia Gold Deposit
- Yangyang Chen
- Bing Chen
- p188
- An Amplitude-Based Modeling Method and its Application on the Impedance Inversion in Heterogeneous Paleokarst Carbonate Reservoirs
- Yuanyin Zhang
- Zandong Sun
- Zhijun Jin
- Ning Dong
- Yequan Chen
- Xiwu Liu
- p199
- Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Significance of the Acidic Volcanic Rocks from the Shetang-Boyang Area, Western Qinling Orogenic Belt, China
- Aiai Ma
- Hao Guan
- Lifei Zou
- Lanlan Sun
- p209
- Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of the Lacustrine Black Shale Unit, Mamfe Basin, Cameroon, West Africa
- NJOH Olivier Anoh
- NJIE Sarah Mesanga
- p217
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
- Lesley LuoEditorial Assistant
- esr@ccsenet.org