Dynamic Simulation of Adaptive Truss Consisting of Various Types of Truss Members
- Kazuyuki Hanahara
- Xuan Zhang
- Yukio Tada
An adaptive truss is a truss structural system equipped with functional truss members, such as length-adjustable members, shape memory alloy (SMA) members, spring-dashpot members, and so on. This is a representative example of so-called adaptive structure. In this study, we deal with the dynamic simulation of various types of adaptive trusses. The geometrical relation is given in a universal form applicable to all planar and spatial trusses. We develop descriptions of dynamic behavior of various types of functional truss members and give a general form of the descriptions. The equation of motion is formulated based on the geometrical relation and the description of member characteristics. Dynamics simulation procedure based on the Newmark Beta method is also developed. Dynamic behaviors of several types of adaptive trusses are simulated. The feasibility of the proposed dynamics calculation is confirmed; some characteristic dynamic behaviors of adaptive trusses are demonstrated.