Exact Solutions for the Nonlinear (2+1)-Dimensional Davey-Stewartson Equation Using the Generalized $(\frac{G'}{G})$-Expansion Method
- Mahmoud Abdelaziz
- A. Moussa
- D. Alrahal
In this article, we construct the exact traveling wave solutions of the nonlinear (2+1)-dimensional Davey-Stewartson equation (D-S) using the generalized $(\frac{G'}{G})$-expansion method which play an important role in mathematical physics. As a result, hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational function solutions with parameters are obtained. When these parameters are taken special values, the solitary and periodic solutions are derived from the hyperbolic and trigonometric function solutions respectively. New complex type traveling wave solutions to the nonlinear (2+1)-dimensional Davey-Stewartson equation were obtained with Liu's theorem.