Integer Cordial Labelling on Graphs nF_(m_i ) (n-1) P_t With m_i Even or Odd

  •  Nur Wigi Saputra    
  •  Siti Khabibah    
  •  Lucia Ratnasari    
  •  Robertus Heri Soelistyo Utomo    


This paper discusses the integer cordial labeling on the graph nF_(m_i)(n-1)P_t when m_i is even or odd. The graph nF_m(n-1)P_t is obtained from n friendship graphs connected by n-1 paths P_t at vertices other than the central vertex of the graph for the i-th and i+1-th graphs where 1≤in. Additionally, m_i denotes the number of copies of the cycle C_3 for each friendship graph. The main result is the integer cordial label for this graph. Furthermore, it was proved that nF_m(n-1)P_t when m_i even or odd is a graph with integer cordial labeling.

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