Creation and Study of a Suitable Functions That Connects the Failure Rate of Exams With the Capacity of the Teaching Rooms Offered for Teaching of a Specific Course in a Greek University
In this paper we are studying the connection between the exam failure rate of a course in a university and the capacity of the teaching rooms offered for the teaching of this course in this specific university
More specifically
1) We determine a function that informs us about the number of students that have the right to attend the course every moment
2) We calculate an upper bound of the exam failure rate of the course in relation with the capacity of these courses teaching rooms so that in any academic year the students have the ability to attend this class.
3) We create a mathematic function that demonstrates to the administration authorities of the university the decisions that need to be made about the enrollment the transcriptions the deletion of students and about the capacity of the teaching rooms so that in any given moment the students are able to attend the class no matter what courses exam failure rate is