Vol. 11, No. 4 (2019), Journal of Geography and Geology
- Geomorphometric and Terrain Analysis of the Nigerian Section of the Chad Basin (Bornu Basin) Northeastern Nigeria
- Yakubu Mohammed
- Ibrahim B. Wulo
- John Abdullahi
- Aishe K. Gazali
- Zanna A. Lawan
- Hamman I. Kamale
- p1
- Geochemical Characterization of Boula Ibi Granitoids and Implications in Geodynamic Evolution
- Jean Paul Sep Nlomngan
- Joseph Penaye
- Rigobert Tchameni
- Sebastien Owona
- Augustin Patrice Moussango Ibohn
- Emmanuel N. Nsifa
- Toteu Sadrack Félix
- p13
- Non-timber Forest Product and its Impacts on Livelihood in the Middle Hill: A Case of Lamjung district, Nepal
- Raj Kumar Rai
- Basanta Kumar Neupane
- Kanhaiya Sapkota
- p29
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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h5-index (January 2018): 13
h5-median(January 2018): 15
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- Lesley LuoEditorial Assistant
- jgg@ccsenet.org