Geochemical Characterization of Boula Ibi Granitoids and Implications in Geodynamic Evolution

  •  Jean Paul Sep Nlomngan    
  •  Joseph Penaye    
  •  Rigobert Tchameni    
  •  Sebastien Owona    
  •  Augustin Patrice Moussango Ibohn    
  •  Emmanuel N. Nsifa    
  •  Toteu Sadrack Félix    


Petrographical and geochemical study, consistent with observed field relations show that the Boula Ibi syn- and post-kinematic granitoids in north Cameroon, occurred in banded gneisses. These syn- and post-kinematic granitoids consist of deformed monzonites typified by its granoblastic texture, diorites, syenites, granites and basic xenoliths of dioritic and monzonitic composition. They are calc-alkaline, hyperpotassic, metaluminous to slightly peraluminous and I-Type granitoids. They display high content in Fe2O3 + MgO + CaO (2.16 – 23.24 %) that reveals their intermediate affinity, magnesian and metaluminous character whilst the low A/CNK (< 1.1) content indicates their mantle origin. Harker diagrams and La/Sm vs La define the fractional crystallization and partial melting as the two main processes that led the geodynamic evolution of the Boula Ibi syn- and post-kinematic granitoids. These are consistent with low-content of Cs, Ta, Nb, Tb and Hf, supporting high melting rates ranging between 20 and 40% as well as molar Al2O3/(MgO + FeOt) vs CaO/(MgO + FeOt) plot showing magmatic evolutions from metabasaltic and metagreywackes sources.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9779
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9787
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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