Vol. 4, No. 5 (2015), Journal of Food Research
- The Antioxidant and DNA Repair Activities of Resveratrol, Piceatannol, and Pterostilbene
- Justin Livingston
- Jacob Peterson
- Gabriel Martinez
- Connor Peck
- Andrew Garrett
- Rachel Uhl
- Brett Thompson
- Gajendra Shrestha
- Richard Robison
- Kim O'Neill
- p9
- Abnormal Colorations of Mozzarella Cheese Caused by Phoma glomerata (Corda) Wollenw & Hochapfel
- Francesco Casalinuovo
- Marinella Rodolfi
- Paola Rippa
- Anna Scognamiglio
- Rosanna Musarella
- p19
- Physicochemical Properties of Melipona beecheii Honey of the Yucatan Peninsula
- Victor Moo-Huchin
- Gustavo Gonzalez-Aguilar
- Jose Lira-Maas
- Emilio Perez-Pacheco
- Raciel Estrada-Leon
- Mariela Moo-Huchin
- Enrique Sauri-Duch
- p25
- Sensory Comparison of Bread Crumb with and without Crust
- Katharina Fuckerer
- Oliver Hensel
- Joachim Schmitt
- p33
- Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Ochratoxin A Producing Black Aspergilli from Grape Pomace
- Bernice Karlton-Senaye
- Jianmei Yu
- Leonard Williams
- p39
- Transcriptomic Response of Salmonella Typhimurium Heat Shock Gene Expression Under Thermal Stress at 48 °C
- Sujata A. Sirsat
- Christopher A. Baker
- Si Hong Park
- Arunachalam Muthaiyan
- Scot E. Dowd
- Steven C. Ricke
- p51
- Whole Grain Gluten-Free Vegetable Spicy Snacks
- Talwinder S. Kahlon
- Roberto J. Avena-Bustillos
- Mei-Chen M. Chiu
- Marlene B. Hidalgo
- p57
- Branding, Ingredients and Nutrition Information: Consumer Liking of a Healthier Snack
- Mary Yan
- Dave Brown
- Andrew Parsons
- Gillian Whalley
- Naziham Hamid
- Kevin Kantono
- Bruce Donaldson
- Elaine Rush
- p64
- Salmonella Heidelberg Strain Responses to Essential Oil Components
- Juliany Rivera Calo
- Christopher A. Baker
- Si Hong Park
- Steven C. Ricke
- p73
- Occurrence of Aflatoxin in Some Food Commodities Commonly Consumed in Nigeria
- I. O. Williams
- S. A. Ugbaje
- G. O. Igile
- O. O. Ekpe
- p81
- Enhanced Antioxidant Capacity of Fresh Blueberries by Pulsed Light Treatment
- Cheryl Rock
- Senem Guner
- Wade Yang
- Liwei Gu
- Susan Percival
- Esmeralda Salcido
- p89
- Risk Factors and Control Measures for Bacterial Contamination in the Bovine Meat Chain: A Review on Salmonella and Pathogenic E.coli
- Eugène Niyonzima
- Martin Ongol
- Anasthase Kimonyo
- Marianne Sindic
- p98
- Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Extracts from Selected Probiotic Bacteria
- Richard Nyanzi
- Daniel S. S. Shuping
- Piet J. Jooste
- Jacobus N. Eloff
- p122
- Quantitative Evaluation of the Effects of Moisture Distribution on Enzyme-Induced Acylation of Trehalose in Reduced-Moisture Organic Media
- Takashi Kuroiwa
- Kazuyuki Kimura
- Yoshihiro Aoki
- Marcos A. Neves
- Seigo Sato
- Sukekuni Mukataka
- Akihiko Kanazawa
- Sosaku Ichikawa
- p133
- Functional, Physical and Sensory Properties of Pulse Ingredients Incorporated into Orange and Apple Juice Beverages
- Fatemeh Zare
- Valérie Orsat
- Joyce Boye
- p143
- Quality of Minimally Processed Products Marketed in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
- Fabíola COSTA
- Adelino Neto
- Luiz Rodrigues
- Eduardo Eustáquio de Figueiredo
- p157
- Sensory Evaluation of Moringa- Probiotic Yogurt Containing Banana, Sweet Potato or Avocado
- Megan Kuikman
- Colleen O'Connor
- p165
- Effect of Tiger Nut Residue Flour Inclusion on the Baking Quality of Confectionaries
- Eke- Ejiofor, J.
- Deedam, J. N.
- p172
- Proximate Composition, Physical and Sensory Properties of Cake Prepared from Wheat and Cocoyam Flour Blends
- Yetunde Alozie
- Chiemela Chinma
- p181
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