Survey of Mycotoxigenic Fungi in Concentrated Poultry Feed in Niger State, Nigeria
- Adeniran Ariyo
- Makun Anthony
- Muhammad Lami
In Nigeria, concentrated poultry feed is a vital component of animal production and health but there was no reliable mycogram in Niger state, Nigeria. As a result this study determined the incidence of mycotoxigenic fungi in both commercial and privately milled concentrated poultry feeds. A total of 100 poultry feed samples consisting of 52 privately milled poultry feed and 48 commercial feed samples were collected. Mycoflora in the feed was determined. Nine fungi genera were isolated. The most frequently isolated fungi genera in both privately milled and commercial feed was Aspergillus spp which was about 40% of mould isolate. Penicillium spp is 20% in private feed and 13% in commercial feed. A total of 874 fungi were isolated consisting of 458 fungi species in privately milled feed and 416 fungi species found in commercial feed. Mycotoxigenic fungi genera, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and Alternaria were isolated. Aspergillus flavus is the commonest isolated fungi species.