Ethnobotanical Uses of Non-cultivated Edible Fruit Species in the Department of Oussouye (South Senegal)
- Yves Djihounouck
- Doudou Diop
- Cesar Bassene
- Seyni Sane
- Kandioura Noba
Forests are an immense reservoir of biological resources and provide the local population with subsistence needs, especially for edible fruits. This study contributes to a better knowledge of the use modes of non-cultivate edible plant species in the area of Kasa, traditional name for the department of Oussouye. Ethnobotanical surveys, based on an interview guide, oral discussions and direct observations were conducted among 178 people from the department of Oussouye, stronghold of the Diola ethnic group. A factorial correspondence analysis highlighted the relationship between species and categories of use. The frequency of citation, informant consensus factor and use value showed the socio-cultural importance of the species. The data collected identified 62 edible species divided into 31 families and 54 genera. The fruit species inventoried are used for different purposes. They are a food source with 62% of citations, energetic 19%, technological 14%, medicinal 13%, cultural 6% and agronomic 2% for the populations. Two species stand out for their high use value factor (UVt). These were Elaeis guineensis (12.24) and Borassus aethiopum (7.56). In addition to their use value, species such as Mangifera indica, Neocarya macrophylla, Parkia biglobosa, Anacardium occidentale, Ceiba pentandra, Parinari excelsa, stood out for their categories and organs used. These results inform us about the level of use of fruit species for different needs and open up avenues for research in sustainable management of this resource with the aim of reducing poverty.
- Full Text:
- DOI:10.5539/jfr.v10n4p16
- Bella DongEditorial Assistant