Vol. 11, No. 4 (2019), Journal of Agricultural Science
- Restoration of On-farm Constructed Wetland Systems Used to Treat Agricultural Wastewater
- Erin L. Smith
- Lisa Kellman
- Paul Brenton
- p1
- Pronitridine and Nitrapyrin With Anhydrous Ammonia for Corn
- Gurbir Singh
- Kelly A. Nelson
- p13
- Groundnut Production and Storage in the Sahel: Challenges and Opportunities in the Maradi and Zinder Regions of Niger
- Ousmane Bakoye
- Ibrahim Baoua
- Lawali Sitou
- Mahamane Rabé Moctar
- Laouali Amadou
- Anastasia W. Njoroge
- Larry L. Murdock
- Dieudonne Baributsa
- p25
- Evaluation of the Effect of Farmer Input Support Program (FISP) on Small-Scale Farmers in the Kara Region of Togo
- John-Philippe Essiagnon Alavo
- Emefa Adzowa-Sika Cogbe
- Xiangmei Li
- Gershom Mwalupaso Endelani
- Ekram Abdalgadir Eltom
- Mariko Korotoumou
- Aseres Mamo Ethetie
- p35
- Distribution of Common Maize Diseases and Molecular Characterization of Maize Streak Virus in Kenya
- Alice K. Charles
- William M. Muiru
- Douglas W. Miano
- John W. Kimenju
- p47
- Agricultural Spray Inspection According to ISO 16122
- Alfran Tellechea Martini
- José Fernando Schlosser
- Emilio Gil
- Marcelo Silveira de Farias
- Gilvan Moisés Bertollo
- Luis Fernando Vargas de Oliveira
- Giácomo Müller Negri
- p60
- Patterns of Codon Usage Bias in WRKY Genes of Brassica rapa and Arabidopsis thaliana
- Snigdha Srivastava
- Sheetal Chanyal
- Ashutosh Dubey
- A. K. Tewari
- Gohar Taj
- p76
- Growth of Eucalyptus urocam Under Different Irrigation Managements
- L. R. De Oliveira
- A. R. B. Marques
- D. Da Silva
- W. B. Sidião
- W. S. Dos Santos
- V. A. Amorim
- L. P. Borges
- F. S. Matos
- p92
- New Records of Parasitoids Hymenopteran (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) Associated With Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in the State of São Paulo
- Matheus A. de Siqueira
- Ana Lúcia B. G. Peronti
- Nilza M. Martinelli
- Valmir A. Costa
- p100
- Endophytes: As Potential Biocontrol Agent—Review and Future Prospects
- Romana Anjum
- Muneeb Afzal
- Raheel Baber
- Muhammad Ather Javed Khan
- Wasima Kanwal
- Wajiha Sajid
- Asfand Raheel
- p113
- Biology and Nutritional Indexes of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Saccharine Sorghum
- Lauren M. Barcelos
- Fabrício O. Fernandes
- Caroline Lopes
- Beatriz M. Emygdio
- Ricardo Valgas
- Indyra F. de Carvalho
- Ana Paula S. A. da Rosa
- p126
- Micropropagation of Different Citrus Rootstocks Using WPM Medium Culture
- Reisane Teles Santiago
- Karen Cristina Fialho dos Santos
- Carlos Alberto da Silva Ledo
- Abelmon da Silva Gesteira
- Walter dos Santos Soares Filho
- Antônio da Silva Souza
- p136
- Grain Yield and Its Associations With Pre-harvest Sprouting in Wheat
- Alexsander Rigatti
- Daniela Meira
- Tiago Olivoto
- Carine Meier
- Maicon Nardino
- Andrei Lunkes
- Luís A. Klein
- Fabricio Fassini
- Éderson D. Moro
- Volmir S. Marchioro
- Velci Q. de Souza
- p142
- Dry Matter and Macronutrient Accumulation in Digitaria insularis Biotypes Susceptible and Resistant to Glyphosate
- Anne Elise Cesarin
- Pedro Figueiredo Rocha Barbosa Martins
- Arthur Arrobas Martins Barroso
- Willians César Carrega
- Pedro Luis da Costa Aguiar Alves
- Silvano Bianco
- p151
- Complex of Natural Enemies Associated With Scale Insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) on Sugarcane in Brazil
- Maiara A. Cruz
- Ana Lúcia B. G. Peronti
- Nilza M. Martinelli
- Valmir A. Costa
- Gabriela P. Ignácio
- Lucia M. de Almeida
- p160
- Temporary Immersion Bioreactors: Establishment of Cassava
- Diego Pascoal Golle
- Jana Koefender
- Roberta Cattaneo Horn
- Natália Piuco
- Cristiane Kaiper
- Juliane Nicolodi Camera
- p176
- Sanitary and Physiological Quality of Soybean Seeds Treated With Ozone
- Vitor O. Rodrigues
- Amanda C. Penido
- Diego de S. Pereira
- Ariadne M. S. Oliveira
- Alan Eduardo S. Mendes
- João Almir Oliveira
- p183
- Evaluation of Vegetative Growth, Chemical Composition, and Antioxidant Capacity of Essential Oil of Peppermint Under Water Regimes
- Diogo Mendes da Silva
- Suzan Kelly Vilela Bertolucci
- Smail Aazza
- Alexandre Alves de Carvalho
- Simony Carvalho Mendonça
- Thaís Cristina Silva
- José Eduardo Brasil Pereira Pinto
- p197
- New Vigor Methodology in Pearl Millet Seeds
- A. S. Suñé
- D. B. Rodrigues
- A. S. Almeida
- C. A. Nunes
- L. H. Konzen
- E. Gewehr
- G. A. Silveira
- B. B. Reis
- H. L. Chagas
- L. V. M. Tunes
- p205
- Association of Herbicides for Management of Weed Plants in Pre-emergence of Soybean Culture
- Carlos Orestes Santin
- Everton Giacomin
- Leandro Galon
- André Dalponte Menegat
- Emanuel Rodrigo de Oliveira Rossetto
- Milena Barretta Franceschetti
- Maico André Michelon Bagnara
- Antônio Marcos Loureiro da Silva
- Rodrigo José Tonin
- Leonardo Brunetto
- César Tiago Forte
- p217
- Spatial Distribution, Morphological Descriptors and Seed Biometry of Syagrus oleracea (Mart.) Becc. (Arecaceae): An Important Brazilian Cerrado Palm
- Helbert Fagundes Soares
- Murilo Malveira Brandão
- Vanessa Andrade Royo
- Guilherme Victor Nippes Pereira
- Santos D’Angelo Neto
- Elytania Veiga Menezes
- Afrânio Farias de Melo Júnior
- Dario Alves Oliveira
- p225
- Characterization and Classification of Soils of the Terra da Esperança Settlement Project in Chapada do Apodi, Brazil
- Joseane Dunga da Costa
- Jeane Cruz Portela
- Phâmella Kalliny Pereira Farias
- Francisco Ernesto Sobrinho
- Carolina Malala Martins Souza
- Thaís Cristina de Souza Lopes
- Francisco Wellington Andrade Silva
- p235
- ‘Palmer’ Mango Yield as Affected by Soil Class and Pedon Physicochemical Characteristics
- Célia Lúcia Siqueira
- Moacir Brito Oliveira
- Karen Marcele de Jesus Silva
- Marcos Koiti Kondo
- Renato Mendes de Oliveira
- Silvânio Rodrigues dos Santos
- p252
- Vegetative Development and Nutrient Absorption March of Sorrel (Rumex acetosa L.)
- Maria Angélica Suedan Souza Lima
- Anastácia Fontanetti
- Márcio Roberto Soares
- Rodrigo Gazaffi
- Nathalia de França Guimarães
- Anderson de Souza Gallo
- p262
- Chemical Diversity of Volatiles From Parents, Rootstock and Atemoya Hybrid
- Felipe Girotto Campos
- Maria Aparecida Ribeiro Vieira
- Alessandra A. Dos Santos
- Letícia Galhardo Jorge
- Marcia Ortiz Mayo Marques
- Carmen Silvia Fernandes Boaro
- p271
- Mechanical Properties of Grains Sorghum Subjected to Compression at Different Moisture Contents
- Gabrielly B. Rodrigues
- Osvaldo Resende
- Daniel E. C. de Oliveira
- Lígia C. de M. Silva
- Weder N. Ferreira Junior
- p279
- Intercropping Pineapple With Rice or Cowpea: An Alternative for Family Farming in the State of Tocantins, Brazil
- S. C. Siebeneichler
- E. R. Santos
- R. A. Veloso
- M. A. B. Pereira
- R. F. F. Brito
- C. M. Souza
- F. N. Oliveira
- J. Barilli
- M. M. C. Ribeiro
- p288
- Plasticity in Root Length and Volume Through the Alternate Wetting and Drying Water Management in Rice
- Giovani Greigh de Brito
- Paulo Ricardo Reis Fagundes
- André Andres
- Jaqueline Trombetta da Silva
- Juliano de Bastos Pazini
- José Maria Barbat Parfit
- p294
- Doses and Application Seasons of Potassium in the Soybean-Corn Succession in Soil With Improved Fertility in the Southwest of Goiás
- Warlles Domingos Xavier
- Leandro Flávio Carneiro
- Claudinei Martins Guimarães
- João Vitor de Souza Silva
- Flávio Araújo Pinto
- Diego Oliveira Ribeiro
- Vinicius Silva Sousa
- Álvaro Vilela de Resende
- p307
- Physiological Effects of Insecticides and Fungicide, Applied in the Treatment of Seeds, on the Germination and Vigor of Soybean Seeds
- Estevam M. Costa
- Bruno M. Nunes
- Matheus V. A. Ventura
- Roberto K. Mortate
- Muriel S. Vilarinho
- Rafael M. da Silva
- Jaíza F. R. Chagas
- Lorena C. A. Nogueira
- Bruno H. T. Arantes
- Alessandra P. A. Lima
- Marcio M. Bessa
- p318
- Nutritional Evaluation of Millet Plants Grown in Soils Fertilized With Organic Wastes From Different Sources
- Wilker A. Morais
- Frederico A. L. Soares
- Fernando N. Cunha
- Marconi B. Teixeira
- Cicero T. S. Costa
- Fernando R. Cabral Filho
- Gustavo da S. Vieira
- Vitória R. de C. Martins
- Vinícius de O. Marques
- Giovani S. Moraes
- Aurélio F. Melo
- Igor O. F. Silva
- Leandro S. Pereira
- p325
- Management Alternatives for Pratylenchus brachyurusin the Soybean Crop
- Deucleiton Jardim Amorim
- Antonio Gabriel da Costa Ferreira
- Kessia Tenorio Figueirinha
- Lusiane de Sousa Ferreira
- José Roberto Brito Freitas
- Edmilson Igor Bernardo Almeida
- Francisca Frenna Verezza Rodrigues de Amorim
- Hellen Patricia Dantas Deifeld
- Izumy Pinheiro Doihara
- Washinton da Silva Sousa
- p333
- Effect of Cultivation and Soil Tillage Systems on the Microbial Biomass in Castor Bean Crop at the Irecê Plateau, Bahia
- Camila Brasil Dias
- Eduardo Gross
- Arlicélio de Queiroz Paiva
- Luciano da Silva Souza
- Carlos Alberto da Silva Ledo
- Francisco Alisson da Silva Xavier
- p341
- Saflufenacil Dose-Response Curves Applied to Brazilian ‘Cerrado’ Soils
- Fernando Rezende Corrêa
- Virgínia Damin
- Alberto Leão de Lemos Barroso
- Hugo de Almeida Dan
- José Arnaldo de Sousa Junior
- p349
- Evaluation of Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Obtained by Remote Sensing With Meteorological Stations in the State of Goiás
- Victor Hugo Moraes
- Pedro Rogerio Giongo
- Bruno Henrique Tondato Arantes
- Estevam Matheus Costa
- Matheus Vinícius Abadia Ventura
- Thomas Jefferson Cavalcante
- Angelina Maria Marcomini Giongo
- p356
- Influence of Cry1Ac Toxin From Bt Cotton on the Soil Microbiota
- Marcos Gino Fernandes
- Renata Pires de Araújo
- Eduardo Neves Costa
- Ana Claudia Terumi Abe Zangirolymo
- Rodrigo Matheus Pereira
- p364
- Ingestive Behavior and Physiological Parameters of Sindhi Heifers Receiving Saline Water
- Patrícia R. Rosa
- Gherman Garcia L. Araújo
- Silvia Helena N. Turco
- Salete A. Moraes
- Juliana N. Alves
- Glayciane C. Gois
- Rafael D. Santos
- Fleming S. Campos
- p381
- Post-harvest Evaluation of Bananas (Musa sp.) Cultivated in the Brazilian Semi-arid Region When Submitted to Cold Storage
- José Aluisio de Araújo Paula
- Elizangela Cabral Santos
- Eudes de Almeida Cardoso
- Roberto Pequeno de Sousa
- Janilson Pinheiro de Assis
- Marta Juvenia Andrade Oliveira Meinerz
- Paulo César Ferreira Linhares
- Alexandre Lopes Macedo
- p395
- Characterization and Classification of Halomorphic Soils in the Semiarid Region of Northeastern Brazil
- Luiz Guilherme Medeiros Pessoa
- Maria Betânia Galvão dos Santos Freire
- José Coelho de Araújo Filho
- Patrícia Ribeiros dos Santos
- Márcio Fléquisson Alves Miranda
- Fernando José Freire
- p405
- Biomass Production and Mineral Nutrient Accumulation by Weeds and Sweet Orange Trees in the Amazonian
- Gerlândio S. Gonçalves
- José E. B. de Carvalho
- Marcos V. B. Garcia
- Ansselmo F. dos Santos
- Géssica A. N. dos Santos
- José Ferreira da Silva
- p419
- Rizobacteria Isolated in the Amazon and Its Influence on the Growth of Guarana Seedlings
- Lais Alves da Gama
- Karla Gabrielle Dutra Pinto
- Bruna Nogueira Leite
- Gerlandio Suassuna Gonçalves
- José Odair Pereira
- José Ferreira da Silva
- Sônia Maria Figueiredo Albertino
- p428
- Biometry, Emergence and Initial Growth of Accessions and Mangaba Progenies
- Adrielle Naiana Ribeiro Soares
- Ana Veruska Cruz da Silva
- Evandro Neves Muniz
- Marília Freitas de Vasconcelos Melo
- Priscilla Santana Santos
- Ana da Silva Ledo
- p436
- Oil Yield of Sunflower Cultivated With Different Water Depths and Nitrogen Doses
- Jonas de O. Freire
- Marcelo T. Gurgel
- José F. de Medeiros
- Kaline D. Travassos
- Neyton de O. Miranda
- Rafael O. Batista
- p449
- Heritability and Combining Ability Studies in Strawberry Population
- Sylvia D. Vieira
- Ana L. R. Araujo
- Douglas C. Souza
- Luciane V. Resende
- Monik E. Leite
- Juliano T. V. Resende
- p457
- Quality of the Pulp of Passion Fruit Produced in the Brazilian Savanna
- Francielly R. Gomes
- Pedro H. M. de Souza
- Marcelo M. Costa
- Darly G. de Sena-Júnior
- Ana L. P. Souza
- Victória M. Azevedo
- Luciana C. Carneiro
- Simério C. S. Cruz
- Claudio H. M. da Costa
- Danielle F. P. da Silva
- p470
- Growth Rate of Eggplant Under Nitrogen and Phosphate Fertilization and Irrigated With Wastewater
- Sebastião de Oliveira Maia Júnior
- Aldair de Souza Medeiros
- Thiago Cândido dos Santos
- Mariana de Oliveira Pereira
- Renato Américo de Araújo Neto
- Giordano Bruno Medeiros Gonzaga
- Manoel Moisés Ferreira de Queiroz
- Reginaldo Gomes Nobre
- Rener Luciano de Souza Ferraz
- Ivomberg Dourado Magalhães
- Patrícia da Silva Costa
- p476
- Host Suitability of Weeds to the Root Lesions Nematoid in Soybean Areas in the North of Goias, Brazil
- Rafael M. da Silva
- Anderli D. F. Rios
- Denise R. Conceição
- Wilian H. D. Buso
- Alan S. Machado
- Grasiele T. da Silva
- Matheus V. A. Ventura
- Emizael M. de Almeida
- Hellismar W. da Silva
- Kenia L. Trindade
- Estevam M. Costa
- p485
- Growth Promotion of Parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) Using Commercial Strains of Trichoderma spp.
- Franciely Magalhães Barroso
- Paulo Henrique Pereira Costa Muniz
- Mariany Dalila Milan
- Wanderson Silva dos Santos
- Natália Cássia de Faria Ferreira
- Fabricio Rodrigues
- Daniel Diego Costa Carvalho
- p493
- The Potential of Agro-homeopathy Applied to Medicinal Plants—A Review
- M. M. A. Pereira
- A. D. Martins
- L. C. Morais
- J. Dória
- V. P. Cavalcanti
- F. A. Rodrigues
- M. Pasqual
- J. M. Q. Luz
- p500
- Production and Quality of Okra Fruits Submitted to Doses and Types of Biofertilizers
- Jonnathan Richeds da Silva Sales
- Geocleber Gomes de Sousa
- Fabio Cavalcante
- João Gutemberg Leite Moraes
- Kelly Nascimento Leite
- Thales Vinicius de Araujo Viana
- p507
- Substrates Formulated with Biochar for Seedling Production of Moringa oleifera Lam.
- Tássia Fernanda Santos Neri Soares
- Idamar da Silva Lima
- André Quintão de Almeida
- Maria Isidoria da Silva Gonzaga
- Camila Andrade Fialho
- Ingrid Luciana Rodrigues Gomes
- Wendel de Melo Massaranduba
- p515
- Cause-and-Effect Relationships in Dry Beans Cultivars Yield Components Under Crop-Livestock System Management
- Sarha G. K. Kobata
- Betania B. de Bortolli
- Heloíze Dums
- Marcos A. de Bortolli
- Tangriani S. Assmann
- Amanda Pavan
- André B. Soares
- p525
- Ethnopedological Studies to Characterize Neosols at the Brazilian Semiarid Region
- Jucirema Ferreira da Silva
- Jeane Cruz Portela
- Nildo da Silva Dias
- Cezar Augusto Medeiros Rebouças
- Francisco Ernesto Sobrinho
- Miguel Ferreira Neto
- Gabriela Cemirames de Sousa Gurgel
- p536
- Implications of Agricultural Gypsum Doses in Physical-Hydric Attributes of a Typic Haplortox and on Root Growth and Soybean Productivity
- Francisco de Assis Guedes Júnior
- Deonir Secco
- Luiz Antônio Zanão Júnior
- Luciene Kazue Tokura
- Marcos Felipe Leal Martins
- p549
- Nutritional Behavior of Heliconia Grown Under Different Levels of Lime
- Gisele O. de Sousa
- Ismael de J. M. Viégas
- Jessivaldo R. Galvão
- Deivison R. da Silva
- Tiago K. M. Yakuwa
- Vicente F. A. Silva
- Daniel P. Pinheiro
- Nilvan C. Melo
- Diocleia A. S. Silva
- Raykleison I. dos R. Moraes
- p559
- Variations in Stolon Length and Tuber Roots Among Six Potato Cultivars
- Bulti Merga
- Nigussie Dechassa
- p563
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Journal Metrics
- h-index: 67
- i10-index: 839
- WJCI (2022): 1.220
- WJCI Impact Factor: 0.263
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