Variations in Stolon Length and Tuber Roots Among Six Potato Cultivars

  •  Bulti Merga    
  •  Nigussie Dechassa    


This study is tested whether the stolon length and tuber roots show variations and could affect potato yield among the potato cultivars over two cropping seasons. Six potato cultivars from a group of improved and local cultivars were examined. The results of the experiments done during both seasons revealed that the stolon length and tuber roots showed variations within and among cultivars. Also a relationship between the length of the stolon and yield of tubers was found. The strongest correlations involved from the stolon length and the tuber roots with the increase in tuber yield under the improved cultivars, then the local cultivar with the decrease in yield. These correlations were positive: the higher the value of the parameter, the greater the observed increase in yield with improved cultivars. This showed a relationship between stolon length and tuber roots with the increase of yield; this relationship was stronger for roots in improved cultivars than in the local cultivar. Therefore, this study indicates that improved potato cultivars with deep root systems might improve tuber yields in eastern highlands of Ethiopia.

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