Kumaraswamy-Half-Cauchy Distribution: Characterizations and Related Results
We present various characterizations of a recently introduced distribution (Ghosh2014), called Kumaraswamy-Half- Cauchy distribution based on: $\left(i\right) $ a simple relation between two truncated moments; $\left(ii\right) $ truncated moment of certain function of the $1^{st}$ \ orderstatistic; $\left( iii\right) $ truncated moment of certain function of therandom variable; $\left( iv\right) $ hazard function; $\left( v\right) $distribution of the $1^{st}$ \ order statistic; $\left( vi\right) $\ viarecord values. \ We also provide some remarks on bivariate Gumbel copuladistribution whose marginal distributions are Kumaraswamy- Half-Cauchy distributions.