Emerging Profiles of Female Marketing Managers in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Winning and Losing Competitive Laps in a Relay Race against Male Counterparts
- Farrokh Safavi
In Western economies the theories and paradigms of marketing management are developed on the basis ofprevailing resources and environments with little, if any, consideration of the personal characteristics of the
implementers. In many non-Western cultures, however, personalities of the implementers affect the design and
execution of marketing strategies and tactics. This paper views the emerging roles of theyoung and inspiring
female executives in shaping the marketing practices of the state-owned and private enterprises in the Islamic
Republic of Iran. It examines the deep-rooted constraints that the female marketing managers have been
subjected to at various stages of their employment process, including preparation, employment access, retention,
and promotion to the position of marketing executives in organizations which have been traditionally governed
by men. As the women have recently succeeded in occupying more university seats than their counterparts, a
race has begun to capture key positions in the marketing organizations and break the glass ceiling in competition
with their male counterparts. Using the metaphor of a relay race, the author has studied the performance of the
Iranian women at each lap under the prevailing constraints and opportunities. A longitudinal study of Iranian
women entering Tehran University during the period of 1999-2012, encompassing admission data, scientific
preparation, job application, organizational culture, and external communications has been made in a series of
field research. A model is developed to portray success and failure of the women at each lap (stage) of their
marketing management functions.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/ijms.v5n3p73
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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