The Effective of Training Program for the Development of Knowledge about the National Professional Standards among the Teachers of Secondary Vocational Education in Jordan

  •  Mufadi Al-Momani    


This study aimed to investigate the effective of training program for the development of knowledge about the national professional standards among the teachers of secondary vocational education in Jordan. The researcher prepared an accumulated test about the knowledge of national professional standards, include (42) questions spread over seven areas (education philosophy, teaching planning, teaching implementation, students’ learning assessment, teacher self-growth, profession values and ethics, and academic and technological knowledge) and for each area six paragraphs. Study members consist of (67) vocational schools’ teachers at the directorate of education of Irbid first area, at the first term of the 2015/2016 school year, who were selected at the available way, where the single group design was used by implementing the accumulated test backwards (pilot study) on the study members to identify their weaknesses, build the proposed training program according to the results, and then implement this program on the study members for two weeks, and finally implement the accumulated test forward by using the T-test for single group. The study results showed a statistically significant difference at the level (α = 0.05) between the backward and forward arithmetic means of study members performance on the national professional development standards knowledge improvement test as a whole, and for each area due to the proposed training program, which means the existence of effectiveness for the proposed training program in knowledge development about the national professional development standards at the vocational educational teachers, where this effectiveness ranged between (medium) and (very strong).

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