The Policies on Civic Education in Developing National Character in Indonesia

  •  Encep Nurdin    


Each country has different policies on the implementation of Civic Education. As an independent country, Indonesia administers Civic Education separately through a special subject under the name ‘citizenship education’, while other countries, such as Malaysia, integrate this form of education into other subjects. The policies on Civic Education in Indonesia aim to mould a citizen who has the spirit of nationalism and patriotism (Explanation of Article 37 of the Law No. 20 of 2003). The research was conducted using library research. Meanwhile, data were analyzed descriptively, consisting of quotes. In addition, Civic Education as value-based education stresses on the realization of a good citizen, who is has holistic competencies in knowledge, skills, and traits based on the national character (the values of Pancasila or the Five Principles of Indonesia).

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