A research for identifying study anxiety sources among university students

  •  Prima Vitasari    
  •  Muhammad Abdul Wahab    
  •  Ahmad Othman    
  •  Muhammad Awang    


University students suffer to some levels of study anxiety, such as; have new experiences, environment and situation. Study anxiety is a real phenomenon. Campus environment has universal access to increase study anxiety among students. The prevalence of study anxiety has been acknowledged by students and educators. However, no current researches exist to identify the study anxiety sources among university students. In this research, we present a survey aimed to identify of study anxiety sources among university students. The survey involves 770 students of Universiti Malaysia Pahang. The survey asks student about experiences, feels and thoughts related with anxieties during study process. The results identify seven sources. But, there are five potential sources of study anxiety; exam anxiety, class presentation anxiety, mathematic anxiety, language anxiety and social anxiety. Descriptive statistic used to analyze the data which was run in SPSS 16.0. This result will be used to address study anxiety sources among university students

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