The Use of Art in the Teaching Practice for Developing Communication Skills in Adults

  •  Niki Phillips    
  •  Iosif Fragoulis    


The use of Art for educational reasons has been recently developing in Greece both in formal education and in Adult Education. Relevant theoretical texts and studies, (Dewey, 1934. Gardner, 1990. Perkins, 1994) pin point that training through the Arts can contribute to an integrated learning, since through systematic observation of works of art, the trainees´ critical thinking, creativity and fantasy can be generated. 
The first part of the current paper, examines the reasons that necessitate the use of art in the training practice.
The models of approaching and understanding art for educational reasons, as presented and analyzed by Feldman, Brondy, Anderson and Perkins, are presented in the second part.
The method “Transformative Learning through an aesthetical experiences”, has been grounded and developed by A. Kokkos, and is presented in the third part. The different stages of this method are also analyzed.
In the final part, an example of Kokkos´ method is being analyzed (stage by stage), regarding the training for an organization’s staff development of their communication skills. 
Conclusions regarding the use of art in the training praxis, may be found at the final part of this paper.

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