Literature and Project-Based Learning and Learning Outcomes of Young Children

  •  Veena Prachagool    


In the early years, children learn by taking an action and touching opportunities which experiences the world as much as possible. It is an internal process that allows children to meaningfully reflect their experiences from abstract to further learning. Literature and project-based learning management is a learning approach that strengthens the attitude of the pursuit of knowledge, helping children to have a habit of reading, creating opportunities to leading in the discovery of something meaningful to life. The research objectives were to study learning outcomes of young children through literature and project-based learning. Twenty-five young children were studied and reported their learning outcomes. Data were collected through variety of methods: observation, debriefing focus group, and interviews after the scenario. Data were collected by qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings indicated that young children had the highest level of understanding and ability to manage literary learning and projects. They also had ability to provide the most literary and project management environment were ranges low and highest based on the different perception and potential of learning. It can be recommended literature and project-based learning is suitable for early childhood education.

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